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Tax incentives for early stage investors

Investors who purchased new shares in a qualifying early stage innovation company may be eligible for tax incentives.

Last updated 15 August 2024

Check if you're eligible for tax incentives for early stage investors.

See the requirements to meet the sophisticated investor test.

There is a limit on the total amount you can invest to access the tax incentives if you don't meet the test.

Tests that determine if a company will qualify as an early stage innovation company (ESIC).

Information for ESICs including requesting a ruling, what you need to report and how to report.

Information for investors including what if the company has a ruling and how to claim the offsets and more.

The decision tool will help you work out if you're eligible for the tax offset and if a company qualifies as an ESIC.

See rules that prevent taxpayers from obtaining tax benefits by entering into contrived or artificial arrangements.
