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Gross pay estimator

Estimate your gross pay (income before tax) based on your net pay (take home pay) for a particular pay period.

Last updated 30 June 2024

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Gross pay estimator

Our calculator takes between 2 and 10 minutes to use.

What you can do with this calculator

The gross pay estimator will estimate your gross pay (the amount you earn before tax) from the net pay (take home pay) you provide for a particular pay period.

A pay period can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

You can use the calculator for income years 2013–14 to 2023–24.

The results of this calculator are based on the information you provide. You should use these results as an estimate and for guidance purposes only.

This calculator will help you to estimate your gross pay and the amount withheld from payments made to you as a payee where:

  • you were not provided a payment summary by your payer and there are no income statement details available through myGov
  • you didn’t receive a payslip for a pay period.

If the amount of your pay differs from one period to another, it’s not possible to calculate the annual income on the amount you receive in a single pay period. You will need to use the calculator to estimate your gross pay for each pay period that you don’t know and then total them separately.

To work out how much tax is to be withheld from current income year gross payments made to employees and other workers, see our Tax withheld calculator.

If you need a detailed full income year tax calculation, use the Income tax estimator.

What you will need

To use this calculator you will need:

  • Your take home pay amount for the pay period.
  • Your residency status for tax purposes.
  • Your instalment rate as notified by us (the Commissioner’s instalment rate or CIR) if both the following applied


You can't use the estimator if you have:

  • a pay as you go (PAYG) withholding variation in place
  • a withholding declaration, to increase the withholding from your pay or to claim tax offsets
  • deductions (pre-tax or post-tax) taken from your pay, including
    • pre-tax deductions, such as workplace giving arrangements where you make a donation to a charity and the donation is deducted from your pay before tax is calculated – tax in this situation is calculated after the donation is deducted from your pay
    • post-tax deductions, such as union fees, payee superannuation contributions, are deducted from your net pay that is, after tax has been deducted from your gross pay
  • a lump sum payment of back payments, commissions, or bonuses (including leave loading) that you received.
