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Company tax return instructions 2020

These instructions will help you complete the Company tax return 2020 (NAT 0656).

8 December 2020

About these instructions

These instructions will help you complete the Company tax return 2020 (NAT 0656), the tax return for all companies, including head companies of consolidated and multiple entity consolidated (MEC) groups.

To download a PDF copy of the return or order a paper copy through our publication ordering service, go to Company tax return 2020.

The instructions include:

  • What's new? – covers any changes in legislation over the financial year that need to be taken into consideration when lodging the tax return.
  • Schedules – contains the information and schedules that companies might need to complete and attach to the tax return
  • General information – contains general company reporting details and record-keeping requirements.
  • Instructions – contains information about how to complete each label on the company tax return, including company information, items 1–30, the calculation statement and declaration.
  • Abbreviations – for names and technical terms, each term is spelt out the first time it is used.

When we say you or your business in these instructions, we mean either you as a business entity (the company) that conducts a business, or you as the tax agent or public officer responsible for completing the tax return.

These instructions are not a guide to income tax law. Ask for help from the ATO or a recognised tax adviser if you feel that these instructions do not fully cover your circumstances.

To get a publication referred to in these instructions and for information about our other services, see Publications.

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