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Advice under development – trust-specific issues

We are developing advice and guidance on the following trust issue.

Last updated 2 July 2024

[4087] Resident trust beneficiaries and income from foreign trusts [updated]


Draft Practical Compliance Guideline

ATO compliance approach to section 99B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936


This draft Practical Compliance Guideline will provide taxpayers with practical guidance about record-keeping and explain when the Commissioner will apply compliance resources to review the application of section 99B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to distributions from non-resident trusts to beneficiaries.

Expected completion

July 2024


The draft compliance approach is currently being developed in conjunction with the draft Taxation Determination. The ATO is engaging with key professional bodies on issues that may arise from the compliance approach being developed.


Amy James-Velagic, Private Wealth

Phone: 08 9268 5916


Draft Taxation Determination

Income tax: Do the hypotheses posited by paragraphs 99B(2)(a) and (b) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 consider the circumstances that gave rise to the amount?


This draft Taxation Determination will address the hypothetical taxpayer in paragraphs 99B(2)(a) and (b) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

Expected completion

July 2024


This draft guidance is currently being developed in conjunction with the draft Practical Compliance Guideline. The ATO is engaging with key professional bodies on issues that may arise from the guidance being developed.


Karen Rooke, Office of the Chief Tax Counsel

Phone: 02 9374 1059
