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Tax for businesses

Are you starting or running a business? We want to help you get your tax and super right.

Last updated 18 January 2021

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Are you starting or running a business? We want to help you get your tax and super right.

Learn about different business structures, the most common taxes and how to register for them, and how to get help. There are some deductions and tax concessions you may be able to claim.

If you have people working for you in your business, there are other things you need to know about tax and super.

In the following videos Deb from Yarn 'n Employment Services and Sharon from Indigiearth share their inspiring stories about running their small business and how they got free help and information from us.

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Different business structures have different tax responsibilities, so it's important to choose the right one for you.

If your business has employees you need to know about TFN declarations, PAYG withholding, FBT, superannuation and more.

You may need to register for GST and other taxes such as fuel tax credits, PAYG withholding and fringe benefits tax.

Find out what you need to do to report to us when you run a business.

You may be eligible to claim a tax deduction for business expenses or small business tax concessions.

Keeping good business records makes good business sense. You must keep all your business records for five years.

Whether you're running a business or just getting started, there're a lot of ways we can help with your tax and super.

You can save time by using our online reporting tools.

You need to get an Australian business number. You may also need to get a tax file number and register for other taxes.
