Some deductions can't give rise to a loss
Certain deductions that would normally be allowed can't be claimed as deductions if they would result in a tax loss. They are:
- payments of pensions, gratuities or retirement allowances to employees, former employees, or their dependents
- gifts or contributions made to deductible gift recipients
- payments made under conservation covenants
- personal superannuation contributions.
Is it a tax loss or a capital loss?
A tax loss is different from a capital loss. A capital loss occurs when you dispose of a capital asset for less than its tax value.
A capital loss can't be offset against income. It can only be either:
- offset against any capital gains in the same income year
- carried forward to offset against future capital gains.
Australian and foreign residents
Australian residents calculate an overall tax loss on the basis of their worldwide income and deductions.
Foreign residents calculate a tax loss on the basis of their Australian income and deductions incurred in earning that income.
You may be able to offset your business loss against other income if you're a sole trader or in a partnership, see Non-commercial losses.