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Types of data-matching letters

We issue data-matching letters when we find a difference between the details you report and data that is reported to us.

Last updated 7 January 2024

What to do if you get a data-matching letter about your business.

How to deal with a data-matching letter on income reported, deductions claimed or offsets received in your tax return.

What to do if you get a data-matching letter about investments and assets you reported in your tax return.

What to do if you get a data-matching letter about Medicare and private health you reported in your tax return.

What to do if you get a data matching letter from us asking you to lodge your tax return.

We may send you a letter if we think you haven't reported sales of properties on your activity statements.

We may contact you if we receive information that you did not include payments for TPRS services in your tax return.
