Working as an employee

Check what tax applies to your different employee payments and what to do when you leave your job or the workforce.

How tax works on employee income, including how to set up your super and what your employer must do.

Find out what salary sacrificing is, how to set up an effective arrangement and the tax implications of an arrangement.

Find out if fringe benefits you receive are reportable and may affect your obligations and government benefits.

Find out how to access your end of year income statement and what to do if its missing, incorrect, or not tax ready.

Find out about payments made to you when you leave your job, including redundancy and employment termination payments.

If you're leaving the workforce because you are retiring, there are a range of options for making the transition.

If you're paid in cash, check you are getting the correct amounts and that your employer is paying super.

Find out what a workplace giving program is, how to donate, and responsibilities your employer has.

If you are a member of a worker entitlement fund, you need to be aware of the tax treatment of payments from the fund.
