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Your private health insurance statement

Your statement gives you information about your private health insurance premiums and private patient hospital cover.

Last updated 30 June 2024

How you receive your statement

It is optional for health insurers to provide you with a private health insurance statement. A statement may only be provided if you request one from your registered health insurer.

If you lodge your tax return through myTax or use a registered tax agent, your health insurance details should be pre-filled. If your health insurance details are not pre-filled or you lodge a paper tax return, contact your health insurer to get a private health insurance statement so that you can complete your tax return.

The statement will also help you complete the Medicare levy surcharge (MLS) related items on your tax return.

If you share your policy with another adult, you can each ask for your own statement showing equal shares of the premium.

Understanding the details on your statement

The following information explains what each label on your private health insurance statement means:

Health insurer ID

This unique code helps us to identify your private health insurer.

Membership number

This is the number that your fund gave you for your policy.

Your premiums eligible for Australian Government rebate

This is your share (in dollars) of the premiums that have been paid for your policy. Note that:

  • it doesn't include any lifetime health cover loading
  • it doesn’t matter if you didn’t pay for the policy. If you are an adult covered by the policy when the payments were made, you are entitled to receive a share of the rebate based on your share in the policy
  • your share will be the amount paid for the policy divided by the number of adults on the policy – for example, if the total payments for a premium are $2,000 and two adults are covered by the policy, then your share of premiums eligible for the rebate will be $1,000.

Your Australian Government rebate received

This is your share (in dollars) of the private health insurance rebate that you have received by reduced premiums from your insurer. Your share will be the amount of reduced premiums received on your policy divided by the number of adults on the policy.

Benefit code

We use the benefit code to apply the right level of rebate. The level of your rebate is calculated on the age of the oldest person covered by the policy.

The valid benefit codes are 30, 31, 35, 36, 40 and 41.

If the oldest person's age is:

  • under 65, the code for the period
    • 1 July to 31 March is 30
    • 1 April to 30 June is 31
  • 65 to 69, the code for the period
    • 1 July to 31 March is 35
    • 1 April to 30 June is 36
  • 70 or over, the code for the period
    • 1 July to 31 March is 40
    • 1 April to 30 June is 41.

Other adult beneficiaries for the policy

If your policy covered more than one adult at the time the payments were made, then the other beneficiaries will be listed here.

Note that:

  • if you and your spouse were on the policy for the same period of time and payments, your spouse's name would be listed to indicate they shared the overall costs of the private health insurance policy
  • if you were on a single policy for the whole year, there will be no other adult beneficiaries on the policy.

Number of days this policy provides an appropriate level of private patient hospital cover

This is the number of days your policy provided you with an appropriate level of private hospital insurance cover. The Medicare levy surcharge may apply if you and your dependants did not have an appropriate level of this cover for the full year.

Why there are two rows of information on your statement

There are two rows of information on your private health insurance statement because, on 1 April each year, generally your rebate percentage is adjusted by a rebate adjustment factor.

One row of information on your statement will be for the premiums paid and rebate received before 1 April. The other row will be for premiums paid and rebate received from 1 April. Each row will have a different Benefit code.

There may also be two or more rows because the oldest person covered by the policy turned 65 or 70 during the year. If this occurs, all adults covered by the policy are entitled to a higher rebate percentage (provided their income for surcharge purposes has not reached the Tier 3 threshold). As with the annual adjustment of the rebate percentage on 1 April, each row will have a different benefit code.

Note: Make sure you enter all lines of information into your income tax return separately, without performing any calculations.

Example statement

Below is a sample private health insurance statement for 2023–24. You should receive something similar, by mail, email, or online link, from your private health insurer if you requested a copy.

Example: Private health insurance statement

Private health insurance statement, 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 – Stephen Smith
Private health insurance statement, 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 – Stephen Smith

Health insurer ID

Membership number

Your premiums eligible for Australian Government rebate

Your Australian Government rebate received

Benefit code

Other adult beneficiaries for the policy


C 123456

J 1,125

K 375

L 30

Mary Smith


C 123456

J 377

K 123

L 31

Mary Smith

If you have more than one line of information in the table above, make sure each line is input separately into your income tax return. Do not add up amounts reported in any column or row to input its total.


Medicare Levy Surcharge

If you and all your dependants (including your spouse) did not have an appropriate level of private patient hospital cover for the full financial year (365 days), you may be liable for Medicare Levy Surcharge.

Number of days this policy provides an appropriate level of private patient hospital cover



End of example
