Caps, limits and tax on super contributions

Find out the caps and limits on super contributions and how they are taxed.

Check how super contributions are treated, whether they're before-tax (concessional) or after-tax (non-concessional).

Keep track of your concessional (before-tax) contributions so you don't exceed the contributions cap.

Keep track of your non-concessional (after-tax) contributions, which are not taxed unless you exceed the cap.

Keep track of your total super balance, as it's relevant to how key superannuation rules apply to you.

Understand what voluntary contributions your super fund can accept.

What to do if you think the information used to calculate your excess contributions is wrong.

If your income and concessional super contributions total more than $250,000, check if you have to pay Division 293 tax.

Find out about caps on contributions to defined benefit funds and constitutionally protected (CPF) funds.
