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Lodge your tax return from outside Australia

Find out how you can lodge if you are outside Australia when your tax return is due.

20 June 2024

Residency status

As an Australian resident travelling or living overseas, you may continue to be an Australian resident while you're overseas.

Your residency status helps you work out if you need to lodge a tax return in Australia and your lodgment options.

Check your tax residency, if you're unsure.

If you're a foreign or temporary resident or working holiday maker returning to your home country or have left Australia, check how to lodge your tax return.

When to lodge your tax return

You will need to lodge your tax return within the normal lodgment period 1 July to 31 October.

If you lodge with a registered tax agent you may have a longer due date under their lodgment program.

Lodgment options for Australian residents overseas

The easiest way to lodge your tax return from overseas is to lodge your tax return online with myTax.

To lodge online you need a myGov account with an active link to the ATO.

If you don't have a myGov account, it's easy to create an account and link it to the ATO.

You will need to:

  • ensure you update your myGov account settings so you have sign in options you can access from overseas
  • have an Australian bank account you can use to receive any refund amounts.

Alternatively, you can:

You can also have a friend or family member lodge a tax return on your behalf. You'll need to complete a power of attorney if the friend or family member signs the tax return on your behalf.