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Missing information and discrepancies

Find out what pre-fill information is not available and how to correct discrepancies.

Last updated 3 June 2024

Incomplete pre-fill information

If information provided in the pre-filling report is missing or incorrect according to your client's records, they should resolve the discrepancy with the information provider.

Pre-filling information may be incomplete if:

  • an organisation has not supplied data yet
  • we couldn't confidently match the information to your client’s record
  • the information didn't pass all data quality checks.

Inconsistent personal details held by other organisations can result in incomplete pre-fill information. Your clients should ensure they have provided their current and correct personal details (such as their name, date of birth and tax file number (TFN) where relevant). They should make sure these details are the same for all government agencies.

We can't supply all information, such as rental income.

Clients with a 'restricted access' or 'security assessed' status on our systems (such as high-profile taxpayers) will not have pre-filled information available.

Discrepancies or errors

Your client may not recognise some of the information provided in the pre-fill report. For example, they may be unfamiliar with an amount of interest. This is commonly caused by:

  • interest bearing securities reported by share registries rather than a bank
  • bank accounts or investments that have been overlooked by an investor
  • bank accounts or investments that have been established on behalf of your client but are unknown to them.

If you don't understand or agree with the pre-fill data:

  • check your client’s records or statements to find the cause of the discrepancy
  • ask your client to clarify the discrepancy with the information provider. The provider must correct the information with us if there has been an error, and provide a reason for the change
  • check current data issues for updates on identified pre-filling data issues for the current income year
  • check recurring data issues for details about data issues affecting multiple years.

If your client needs the full account details to query an amount with a third-party provider, or the shareholder registration number (SRN) or holder identification number (HIN) number for their investment accounts, they can phone us on 13 28 61.

Pre-filling does not alter your responsibility to provide a complete and correct tax return for your client.

If we audit a lodged return, we may consider whether the taxpayer or their agent had accessed pre-filling information that they chose to omit from the return when applying any penalties or interest.

Contact us

We prefer you to contact us online using Practice mail in Online services for agents. Select:

  • new Mail message
  • topic Income tax
  • subject Pre-filled tax return data incorrect.

