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Overview of key changes

Be aware of key changes and new measures when completing your clients' tax returns for 2024.

A summary of key changes and new measures affecting your clients when lodging individual tax returns 2024.

A summary of key changes and new measures affecting your clients when lodging company tax returns 2024.

Key changes and new measures affecting your clients in attribution managed investment trust (AMIT) tax returns 2024.

Key changes and new measures affecting clients Attribution corporate collective investment vehicle tax returns 2024.

Key changes and new measures affecting your clients' super funds' and rollover funds' tax returns 2024.

Key changes and new measures affecting your clients' self-managed super funds' (SMSFs') 2024 tax returns.

A summary of key changes and new measures affecting your clients when lodging partnership tax returns 2024.

A summary of key changes and new measures affecting your clients when lodging trust tax returns 2024.
