Country |
31 Dec 20 |
30 Jun 21 |
Currency |
Canada |
0.9249 |
0.9572 |
Canadian dollar |
China |
4.7608 |
4.9413 |
Renminbi |
Europe |
0.6045 |
0.6260 |
Euro |
Hong Kong |
5.3563 |
5.7921 |
Hong Kong dollar |
India |
51.1553 |
55.0235 |
Indian Rupee |
Indonesia |
10038.8458 |
10752.0992 |
Rupiah |
Japan |
73.6560 |
79.5516 |
Yen |
Malaysia |
2.8996 |
3.0806 |
Malaysian ringgit |
Taiwan |
20.3202 |
21.2522 |
New Taiwan dollar |
New Zealand |
1.0615 |
1.0742 |
New Zealand dollar |
Papua New Guinea |
2.3907 |
2.6137 |
Kina |
Singapore |
0.9517 |
1.0053 |
Singapore dollar |
South Korea |
813.5215 |
847.5967 |
South Korean won |
Switzerland |
0.6473 |
0.6796 |
Swiss franc |
Thailand |
21.5899 |
23.0733 |
Baht |
UK |
0.5378 |
0.5546 |
Pound sterling |
0.6906 |
0.7468 |
US dollar |
Vietnam |
16043.1660 |
17254.5952 |
Dong |
Country |
31 Dec 20 |
30 Jun 21 |
Currency |
Canada |
0.9818 |
0.9318 |
Canadian dollar |
China |
5.0298 |
4.8553 |
Renminbi |
Europe |
0.6269 |
0.6320 |
Euro |
Hong Kong |
5.9707 |
5.8382 |
Hong Kong dollar |
India |
56.3100 |
55.9200 |
Indian Rupee |
Indonesia |
10821.0000 |
10927.0000 |
Rupiah |
Japan |
79.4500 |
83.0700 |
Yen |
Malaysia |
3.0897 |
3.1218 |
Malaysian ringgit |
Taiwan |
21.6300 |
20.9600 |
New Taiwan dollar |
New Zealand |
1.0665 |
1.0745 |
New Zealand dollar |
Papua New Guinea |
2.7025 |
2.6379 |
Kina |
Singapore |
1.0189 |
1.0109 |
Singapore dollar |
South Korea |
836.7100 |
847.5200 |
South Korean won |
Switzerland |
0.6795 |
0.6930 |
Swiss franc |
Thailand |
23.0700 |
24.0900 |
Baht |
UK |
0.5657 |
0.5429 |
Pound sterling |
0.7702 |
0.7518 |
US dollar |
Vietnam |
17779.0000 |
17308.0000 |
Dong |
From 1 January 2020, we have used the exchange rates from the Reserve Bank of Australia. In previous years we have used exchange rates sourced from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
The Reserve Bank of Australia and the Commonwealth Bank publish rates for different countries.
If we do not publish a rate for the country or year you need, you can use an appropriate exchange rate provided by:
- a banking institution operating in Australia including, where relevant, the banking institution through which your foreign income is received
- another reliable external source.
Keep the rate used and the source of rates with your records and be mindful that you cannot obtain an average rate (or rates) of exchange from an associate, or from yourself, unless otherwise notified by us.