[4092] Determining the proportion of unfermented materials that may be added to ‘beer’ and ‘cider’
Draft Excise Determination
Alcohol excise: the addition of water to beer
The revised draft Determination will set out the Commissioner’s view on the characteristics and proportions of unfermented materials that may be added to a fermented solution of a beverage in order for that product to meet the definition of ‘beer’ under the Excise Tariff Act 1921.
Expected completion
To be advised
Revised Draft Excise Determination ED 2024/D2 Alcohol excise: the addition of water and the integral attributes of beer for the purposes of the Excise Tariff Act 1921 published on 28 August 2024. Comments period closed 27 September 2024.
Draft Excise Determination ED 2024/D1 Alcohol excise: the addition of water to beer, which published on 12 June 2024, has been withdrawn.
Andrew Bennett, Excise Experience
Phone: (08) 8208 1868
Final Wine Equalisation Tax Determination
Wine Equalisation Tax: the addition of water to cider or perry
The Final Determination will set out the Commissioner’s view on the characteristics and proportions of unfermented materials that may be added to a fermented solution of a beverage in order for that product to meet the definition of ‘cider’ under the A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999.
Expected completion
To be advised
Draft Wine Equalisation Tax Determination WETD 2024/D1 Wine equalisation tax: the addition of water to cider or perry published on 12 June 2024. Comments period closed 12 July 2024.
Andrew Bennett, Excise Experience
Phone:(08) 8208 1868
[4208] Luxury cars and trading stock
Decision impact statement on Automotive Invest Pty Limited v Commissioner of Taxation [2024] HCA 36
This Decision impact statement outlines the ATO’s response to this case, which considered whether the use of luxury cars as trading stock and for public display in a museum was solely for a ‘quotable purpose’ under the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999.
The Decision impact statement on Automotive Invest Pty Limited v Commissioner of Taxation [2024] HCA 36 published on 11 December 2024. Comments period closes on 7 February 2025.
John Gill, Office of the Chief Tax Counsel
Phone: (03) 9215 3742