We are committed to our workers' health, safety and wellbeing. We recognise a safe and healthy workplace is an essential component in creating an environment in which people can effectively contribute to achieving community and business outcomes.
When doing business with us, contractors and suppliers are expected to contribute to creating a safe and healthy workplace by complying with the following information.
Work health and safety principles
Our work health and safety (WHS) policy is based on the following principles:
- everyone has a right to a safe and healthy workplace
- the physical and psychological wellbeing of workers is essential in creating a rewarding and productive workplace
- we recognise our responsibilities to work towards eliminating work-related injury and illness, and support and rehabilitate injured workers
- a strong and open relationship with workers and health and safety representatives is essential
- workers have a responsibility to act in a safe manner and to report risks and accidents as they occur
- promoting improvements in WHS practices is important to achieve a healthier and safer working environment.
What you can expect of us
When working with us under a contract, agreement or other documented work arrangement we will:
- consult with contractors about work health and safety duties and obligations to determine how shared responsibilities will be managed
- provide induction training and workplace walkthrough before you start any contracted work
- ensure a COVID- 19 safe working environment
- provide workers with a safe and healthy workplace in which physical and psychological risks are eliminated or mitigated
- provide safe furniture, equipment and systems of work
- train workers so they can use the furniture and equipment correctly and work safely
- supervise workers to monitor their health and safety
- provide adequate facilities for the welfare of workers and visitors
- consult with workers on matters that may affect their health and safety
- investigate health and safety incidents and implement further risk mitigation if needed
- ongoing monitoring of the contract to ensure contract specific WHS requirements are met.
We will also:
- provide sufficient information to a supplier so they understand how we will use a product
- comply with the supplier's recommendations about the safe use, storage and disposal of products supplied to us.
What we ask of you
If you are working with us under a contract, agreement or other documented work arrangement we ask that you:
- comply with your obligations under Australian work health and safety legislation and contract specific WHS requirements
- consult with us in relation to work health and safety duties and obligations to determine how shared responsibilities will be managed
- comply with COVID- 19 Government and health recommendations
- demonstrate you have an effective WHS management system
- provide information on how health and safety risks have been eliminated or mitigated in work undertaken for us
- comply with contract specific WHS requirements for qualifications, licences and registration
- comply with the procedures we have implemented to protect workers' health and safety
- report all incidents that have affected the health and safety of people
- provide sufficient information to allow us to monitor contract specific WHS performance
- understand failure to achieve WHS standards can result in ending the contracted services.
Additionally, we ask that you:
- supply products designed and manufactured to minimise the risk of injury to workers and visitors
- install plant or structures so they will be safe
- provide sufficient information on the safe use, storage and disposal of the product so risks can be eliminated or mitigated.
Legislative and policy framework
There are several legislative, policy and related documents that form the Commonwealth framework within which we conduct health, safety and procurement activities.
These are the most important:
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Commonwealth)External Link
- Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Commonwealth)External Link
- Work Health and Safety Codes of Practice (Commonwealth)External Link
- Guidance on occupational health and safety in government procurement (PDF, 862KB)This link will download a file
Who do I go to for help?
Enquiries about contract requirements should be made to your contract manager.
Copies of ATO policies relating to work health and safety can be obtained from PeopleHelpline@ato.gov.au