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Hear from recent ATO Evergreen Program participants

Meet some recent participants and hear about their experiences on the Evergreen Program.

Last updated 14 March 2024

Jessica – Evergreen participant

Jessica talks about her experience in the Evergreen Program.

Media: Evergreen Program 'day in the life' video External Link(Duration: 2:02)

Darius – Evergreen participant

Career progression, generous pay and leave and working with other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were all big drawcards.
Prior to joining the Evergreen Program, I didn't have any office experience. Since then, I’ve completed a Cert IV certification as part of the Evergreen Program, and I've worked on so many projects that I never thought I had the skills to do. For example, during the program I worked on videos and real-life scenarios to support frontline staff and improve staff and client experiences.
I've had endless opportunities to develop which resulted in receiving many promotions. It makes me proud that I’ve achieved the goals I set for myself.
I’m now working as an Indigenous Diversity Officer, supporting both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and non-Indigenous staff to build cultural awareness and capability. I’m passionate about empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through one-on-one mentoring to be the best version of themselves. I see their confidence grow as they navigate through the ATO and achieve their goals.
During the Evergreen Program, I saw firsthand the passion ATO employees have for celebrating diversity through support networks, cultural events and creating a safe and inclusive workplace.
My advice to others thinking about applying for the Evergreen Program is just do it! You'll get tailored support throughout the program and limitless opportunities to develop new skills and grow your confidence. The Evergreen Program gives you the chance to pave your own career path.

Danielle's story

I felt burnt out from my job and wanted a career that offered a good work-life balance. My daughters, Naomi and Tammy suggested I join the Evergreen Program. They had done the program in previous years and loved it.
The ATO wasn't a place that I saw myself working because I didn't think I had the skills. My computer skills made me the most nervous. I'm older and I was worried about how I would go learning new things. My daughters reassured me that I had lots of support around me, and they were right.
I'm in my first rotation and I've been working as a client experience officer. I work with customers to help answer their questions and resolve issues. I've learnt lots about how the ATO works and how to use IT programs. It's really given me confidence. I'm looking forward to my next rotation where I'll have a new challenge.
I have received so much support and feel very nurtured by my managers, people in the program and my daughters who all reassure me. I wish I had joined years ago.
My advice to other people looking for a career change like me is don't worry about not having lots of skills when you start. You'll learn on the job. I tackled each challenge one step at a time. If I can do it, you can do it too.

Ayla's story

The Evergreen Program was a great opportunity to get a permanent role in the government. I was also excited about the prospect of earning a good salary and super, having a good work-life balance and earning a Certificate IV.
I had been working in childcare before I joined the Evergreen Program and was feeling burnt out. I needed a change.
I had no idea how an organisation worked before starting at the ATO. I’d never even seen an office environment. I’m amazed at how far I’ve come, and I’m so proud of what I’ve accomplished so far!
I’ve learnt how to use many computer programs across the department, and my Excel skills have skyrocketed.
One of the most rewarding parts of the program is instantly being part of a community. I know I can reach out to anyone in my cohort or in previous Evergreen participants if I need support.
I’m excited about my future at the ATO. My goals are to continue to progress my career and support any other participants with reaching theirs.

Alexander's story

I was drawn to apply to for the Evergreen Program because it came with great salary and super and better work-life balance than my previous job in State Government.
I liked the idea of getting a Certificate IV to add to my resume too.
I’m grateful the Evergreen Program was available in Geelong, which is close to my home. Positions are available all over the country, which is a great benefit of the program.
The skills I’ve gained since joining the program have been valuable. The biggest skill I’ve learnt has been professionalism in an office environment. I’d never worked in an office before. I was young when I started, and it was something I needed to work on. I pride myself on how professionally I run meetings and manage stakeholder relationships.
I really enjoyed my time in the program. One of the most rewarding parts of it was working with people who had a similar background. I made a lot of good friends in my Evergreen cohort.
Now I’ve completed the program, my goal is to continue to progress my career and hopefully one day become a manager.'

