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ATO specific questions 2023 and using these results

Questions we asked that other agencies didn't, how to use the results and how we intended to act on feedback.

Published 2 December 2024

ATO specific questions

ATO-specific questions





Variance from 2022

People in my work area are client focused: they put clients, external and internal, at the centre of everything they do





People in my work area are united and connected: they work as one team to deliver the right outcomes for the community





People in my work area are empowered and trusted: they are supported to take ownership, exercise judgment, and make reasonable decisions





People in my work area are future oriented: they are flexible and adaptable to meet immediate and future challenges





People in my work area are passionate and committed: they bring professionalism, energy and determination to everything they do





The ATO actively encourages ethical behaviour by all of its employees





I believe there are good career opportunities for me at the ATO





In the ATO, the SES are sufficiently visible (e.g. can be seen in action)





I feel safe to voice differing views in the course of my work





Guide to the data

Data source

All data was provided by the APSC.

% positive

Where results are shown as positive percentages (% positive), these are calculated by adding together positive responses ('strongly agree' + 'agree' or 'always' + 'often') and dividing by the number of respondents who answered the question.


Results are presented as whole numbers for ease of reading, with rounding performed at the last stage of calculation for maximum accuracy. Values from x.00 to x.49 are rounded down and values from x.50 to x.99 are rounded up. Therefore in some instances, results may not total 100%.


It is best practice not to display the results of groups of respondents to the extent where the anonymity of individuals may be compromised. Results will not be shown where there are less than 10 respondents in a group.

Comparisons with results from previous years

The method of analysing and reporting specific results may be periodically reviewed and revised. Such improvements are applied to current data and that of previous years. For this reason the current report is always the most accurate data source for APS employee census results, including comparisons with time series data.

Acting on feedback

We used these prompts to ask ATO employees to learn from our employee census results.

Reflecting on the results

Take time to understand your report. Consider your response rate to determine how representative your results are of the views of your colleagues.

Most questions in this report have information about the proportion of colleagues responding positively, neutrally or negatively.

Identify the areas where you are performing well. These will tend to be high results which are notably above any comparative results. Celebrate these results.

Identify areas that need improvement. These will be the lower results, and/or those which are scoring notably below your comparators.

Generally a difference of -/+ 5 percentage points is worthy of attention, but the size of the group is important. Changes in small groups can be unreliable

Suggested questions to focus on

Through driver analysis, these key questions have been identified as being important to employees in the ATO and associated with employee engagement. They are not necessarily the questions with the lowest scores. Some will be areas to improve upon and some will be areas to maintain. Develop actions and activities to improve upon these, where possible, to drive higher levels of performance.

What to focus on:

  1. 'My agency supports and actively promotes an inclusive workplace culture' is 85% (+1 from 2022 and +5 variance from the APS overall)
  2. 'Where appropriate, I am able to take part in decisions that affect my job' is 70% (same as 2022 and +1 variance from the APS overall)
  3. 'My SES manager routinely promotes the use of data and evidence to deliver outcomes' is 67% (not included in 2022 and +1 variance from the APS overall)
  4. 'Internal communication within my agency is effective' is 66% (same as 2022 and +10 variance from the APS overall)
  5. 'My SES manager clearly articulates the direction and priorities for our area' is 71% (+1 from 2022 and +3 variance from the APS overall)
  6. 'My SES manager creates an environment that enables us to deliver our best' is 65% (+1 from 2022 and +2 variance from the APS overall).

Time to take action


What things did we do well? Think about how we can build on our strengths and learn from what we are good at.

Investigate further with our teams

Are there any other opportunities coming out of the results that we want to explore further?

How could we investigate? through looking at the data in more detail or through discussions with staff?


Areas we need to focus on and turn into action plans. What are the key things we need to improve to make working here better?

Local action plans

Start your local action plans. Identify areas to celebrate, opportunities for improvement and areas which you need to investigate further.

Prioritise 3 areas for action, including:

  • timescales
  • owner
  • resources required
  • target/success measure.
