Summary of key ATO findings from the 2023 APS employee census
The ATO’s 2023 Census results reflect a stabilisation, with small or no variances across most index scores from last year (+/-1%). These results suggest the ATO has begun to stabilise at higher than pre-COVID levels, and continues to perform strongly against the APS, large and extra-large agencies.
Employee responses indicated a continued strong alignment with the ATO, its purpose, goals, and its focus on integrity. Additionally 79% of employees would recommend the ATO as a good place to work, representing a continued strong view of our attractiveness as an employer.
Employee views of overall workplace conditions remain strong. While we have seen a decline in the perceptions around remuneration, these were expected and typical given the current environment. Pleasingly, employees continue to maintain a positive sentiment in relation to the non-monetary elements of our Employee Value Proposition.
Results suggest employees continue to want ongoing investment in tools and resources to support their work. This result remains stable compared to last year, and is driven by a focus on technology and digital solutions.
The ATO’s continued investment in wellbeing initiatives has resulted in a stabilisation of results around perceptions of wellbeing policies and support. This continues to trend well above APS and other agencies, creating a point of difference for the ATO.
Indicators around workload, burnout, and stress remain consistent with last year and employees have indicated their health continues to be good. However, there is an opportunity to build on these results and improve the experience for employees.
Retention indicators have remained stable compared to last year, however results indicate a strong preference for employees to explore other opportunities within the ATO as they seek promotions, look for opportunities to expand skills and experience, or explore a career change.
SES leadership index results remained stable, above APS, large and extra-large agencies. However we still have the opportunity to grow our leaders and leadership pipeline with a focus on continuous improvement.
The ATO’s Census Action Plan will seek to build upon our strengths and address areas of concern with a focus on organisational wide initiatives.
These will be supported by tailored activities where opportunities for improvement exist in more specific areas of the ATO.
Theme 1 Tools, resources and technology
We want to improve staff experience and perception on having the right tools and technology to do their job.
Our key actions |
Our timing |
Refresh our Staff Experience Roadmap to ensure it captures the actions that matter most to our people including sourcing additional data from our November 2023 ATO Pulse Staff Survey on staff experiences relating to tools, resources and technology. |
April 2024 |
Delivery of a new Enterprise Knowledge Management system, making it easier for frontline staff to find their procedures and ensuring consistent and contemporary publishing processes to improve staff experience. |
May 2024 |
Delivery of a new employee intranet (myATO), specifically designed to streamline and improve the staff communication experience. |
Recently launched 2023 |
Complete a discovery project by designing journey maps that will result in agreed improvements that can be made for our staff technology experience. |
September 2024 |
Deputy Commissioner ATO People working closely with Communications, Enterprise Technology and business.
Theme 2 Mobility and career pathways
We want to strengthen the mobility and structured career pathway opportunities for our people.
Our key actions |
Our timing |
Strengthen our use of APS resources and networks available through the APS Academy and APS Professional Streams by improving internal marketing of these opportunities and communicating outcomes to show the value of broader APS capability building. |
2023–2024 |
Improve the experience of Graduates by implementing a consultation process for post-program placements which better supports individual career development and aspirations. |
February 2024 |
Develop a workforce strategy to shape our APS workforce to continue to grow our internal APS capabilities in line with the APS Strategic Commissioning Framework, with a focus on service delivery and technology areas. |
February 2024 |
Deputy Commissioner ATO People working closely with business.
Theme 3 Wellbeing
We want to increase awareness and capability for managers to create a safe and inclusive working environment where employees can thrive.
Our key actions |
Our timing |
1. Enhance the actions and targets in the ATOs Thriving Minds Strategy by using HR data and insights, including from the census, ATO Pulse Staff Survey and industry research to continue to mature our wellbeing culture, including with a lens on diversity cohorts. |
July 2024 |
2. Develop and deliver the targeted wellbeing toolkits to improve manager awareness of the psychosocial framework and broader capability on engaging with wellbeing topics in the workplace. |
February 2024 |
3. Deliver the SES Wellbeing Masterclasses with a focus on the legislative settings and tools available to steward and lead a safe work environment for our people. |
From November 2023 |
Deputy Commissioner ATO People
Theme 4 SES leadership and stewardship
We want to enhance the development of our senior leaders with a focus on shaping our SES to lead the ATO into the future.
Our key actions |
Our timing |
Implement the initiatives outlined in the ATO SES Leadership Strategy focusing on an education series that will develop the core skills required under the leadership attributes to strengthen leadership practices. |
2023–2024 |
Implement an SES Immersion Program that takes SES into the client service environment to build greater understanding of the services we deliver, the issues encountered by frontline staff and the experience of our clients. |
From December 2023 |
Design and deliver the changes to the APS Performance Leadership and Recruitment items in a way that draws on the ATO SES Leadership Strategy to build a culture of performance leadership, integrity and stewardship. |
During 2024 |
Deputy Commissioner ATO People working closely with Service Delivery.