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Program objectives

Learn about the program objectives.

Last updated 21 December 2022

The objectives of this data-matching program are to:

  • promote voluntary compliance by communicating how we use external data with our own, to help encourage taxpayers to comply with their tax and super obligations
  • assist in building intelligence about individuals and businesses including broader tax risk trends and strategic analysis
  • gain insights to shape future treatment strategies, which may include educational or compliance activities as appropriate
  • help individuals and businesses to fulfil their tax and super registration, lodgment, reporting and payment obligations
  • identify opportunities to improve system integrity and mitigate tax revenue risk
  • provide insights to support our undertakings with joint regulatory agencies and law enforcement to identify and address the most serious and complex forms of financial crime
  • enable detection, investigation and/or prosecution of serious financial crime activity including tax evasion, terrorism financing, money laundering or serious and organised crime.
