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Data related matters

Last updated 4 July 2019

Data matching and user agency

We are the matching agency and in most cases the sole user of the data obtained in the course of this data matching program. The data matching program will be conducted on our secure systems in accordance with approved policies and procedures.

In very limited and specific circumstances we may be permitted by law to disclose individual records to other government agencies.

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Data providers

The data will be obtained from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) as the sole data provider.

Data elements

On a monthly basis for the HELP, VSL and TSL debtor population during the, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 financial years we will obtain DHA overseas movement data dating back to the date the debts were incurred, including:

  • Identifying particulars for the HELP, VSL and TSL debtor population (name, date of birth, ATO/DHA identifiers)
  • DHA overseas movement details (Passport number, passport country of issue, offshore status, departure and return dates) held on DHA system

Number of records

The HELP, VSL and TSL debtor population affected by this data collection is expected to involve approximately 3 million individuals each financial year.

Data quality

DHA have legislative obligations to administer customs, immigration and border protection functions which necessitate maintaining high quality data. The ATO quality assurance processes in conjunction with DHA ensure the integrity of the data is not compromised.

The data is supplied in accordance with reporting specifications including record layout and data format for each record. Data is transformed into a standardised format and validated to ensure that it contains the required data elements prior to loading to our analytical systems.

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Data retention

The collection of data under this program occurs monthly and it is proposed to continue throughout the period July 2019 to June 2022.

Each month under this data matching program DHA provide overseas movement data for the HELP, VSL and TSL debtor population provided by the ATO. DHA overseas movement data dates back to when the HELP, VSL or TSL debtors in the monthly population orignially incurred the debt. The data collection is refreshed monthly ensuring currency of the data. Through the refresh process the data supporting the 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 financial years of the data matching program is progressively updated. This data is required for the protection of public revenue.

We destroy data that is no longer required in accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines and the National Archives of Australia's General Disposal Authority 24 - Records relating to Data Matching Exercises.
