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Your privacy if you make a tip-off

Your privacy rights if you report illegal activity or behaviour of concern.

Last updated 14 June 2023


If you would like to make a tip-off about illegal activity or behaviour of concern relating to COVID-19 or JobKeeper, or suspected tax misconduct – including phoenix, tax evasion, or shadow economy behaviour – you can either:

  • complete the tip-off form
  • phone us on 1800 060 062
  • write to us.

When we receive information through a tip-off, we will consider it. Even if we don’t take immediate action, the information you provide is still very important to us. It helps us understand industry trends and emerging issues and forms part of our engagement strategies.

Due to privacy and taxpayer confidentiality laws, we won’t be able to inform you of the outcome of the information you provide. We also won’t be able to provide you with progress updates.

When making a tip-off, you don’t have to identify yourself if you don’t want to. However, if you choose to provide your name and contact details, we may use that information to:

  • understand the information you have provided
  • contact you for more information about your tip-off
  • use as part of our investigation of the alleged misconduct.

If you choose to provide your full name when making a tip-off via the tip-off form, you are able to advise us if you provide consent for us to share information (including your contact details) from the tip-off with:

  • other federal government departments and law enforcement agencies
  • state/territory government departments and law enforcement agencies.

We will not disclose any information we have which would identify you, except where you have provided consent, or we are required or authorised by law to do so. Where authorised by law, we may pass on the information that may identify you to other government departments and agencies, including benefit payment agencies such as Services Australia, and Health, and law enforcement agencies such as state and federal police. We may also pass on information to treaty partners overseas under international tax agreements.

Our privacy policy contains important information about your privacy, including information about how you can access and seek correction of information we hold about you, how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or the Privacy Code, and how we will deal with any privacy complaint.

You can also refer to: 

Contact us

Phone us on 1300 661 542 for more information about our privacy policy if you:

  • have questions about privacy, or
  • want to report an instance where you suspect your privacy has been compromised.

Alternatively, write to us at the address below.

Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9990
[insert the name and postcode of your capital city]

For example:

Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9990