Respectful relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the broader community are important to us, as we continue to support reconciliation and ensure our services are culturally appropriate.
We build relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by being aware of, acknowledging and respecting the unique cultures and lived experiences.
Deliverable |
Timeline |
Lead |
Support |
6.1 Conduct an ATO-wide review of cultural learning needs, programs and resources to ensure alignment with the APSC Cultural Capability Framework. |
June 2022 (review annually) |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
Assistant Commissioner, Learning and Development |
6.2 Ensure consultants providing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services are assessed to ensure cultural capability, expertise and knowledge is specific to the region the engagement relates to. |
February 2022 and ongoing |
Assistant Commissioner, Strategic Procurement and Contracts |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
6.3 Implement and communicate an ATO-wide cultural capability strategy. |
March 2022 |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
Assistant Commissioner, Learning and Development |
6.4 Managers and SES provide services or develop programs for Indigenous people to undertake formal and structured cultural learning. |
June 2022 and ongoing |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
6.5 Provide and promote cultural capability training opportunities for all staff and evaluate the impact of training through staff surveys. 2022:
Annually (June) |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
Assistant Commissioner, Learning and Development |
6.6 Offer a minimum of 6 JAWUN secondment placements and increase opportunities for staff to experience Indigenous cultures. |
Annually (June) |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
Assistant Commissioner, Learning and Development |
Deliverable |
Timeline |
Lead |
Support |
7.1 Review and communicate a concise staff resource outlining wording for an Acknowledgment of Country. |
April 2022 and review annually |
Assistant Commissioner, Marketing and Communications |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
7.2 Promote the ATO Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Protocols Guide, tailored for all local communities we operate in. |
Annually (June) |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
Assistant Commissioner, People Support |
7.3 Invite local Traditional Owners or Custodians to provide a Welcome to Country or other appropriate cultural protocol for at least 5 significant ATO events each year, including:
Annually (June) |
Assistant Commissioner, Site Leadership Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
Assistant Commissioner, Corporate Events |
7.4 Include an Acknowledgment of Country at the commencement of external meetings, cross-agency meetings and significant events. |
June 2022 |
Assistant Commissioner, Strategy and Integration |
7.5 Update Events Kit, speech and meeting templates to include Acknowledgment of Country or other appropriate protocols for all public ATO events. |
June 2022 |
Assistant Commissioner, Marketing and Communications |
- |
7.6 Display Acknowledgment of Country plaques and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags in all ATO buildings. |
Annually (June) |
Assistant Commissioner, Finance and Property Services |
- |
Deliverable |
Timeline |
Lead |
Support |
8.1 RAP working group members to participate in at least 2 external NAIDOC Week events. |
Annually (July) |
Assistant Commissioner, Strategy and Integration |
8.2 Review and update manager resources to remove barriers to staff participation in NAIDOC Week events. |
June 2022 |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
Assistant Commissioner, Workplace Relations |
8.3 Support all staff to participate in at least 2 NAIDOC Week events in their local area, through advertising local NAIDOC Week event information in site newsletters. 8.4 In consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders, support 5 external NAIDOC Week events each year. |
Annually (June) |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
Deliverable |
Timeline |
Lead |
Support |
9.1 Review and update the ATO’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brand identity, tailored for use in communications products. |
April 2022 |
Assistant Commissioner, Marketing and Communications |
Assistant Commissioner, Digital Experience |
9.2 Review and provide an ATO signature block containing an Acknowledgment of Country to all staff. |
March 2022 (ongoing) |
Assistant Commissioner, Marketing and Communications |
- |
9.3 Provide improved resources, training and information to all managers about cultural, ceremonial, and study leave for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff. |
Annually (May) |
Assistant Commissioner, Culture and Inclusion |
Assistant Commissioner, Employee Relations |