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Closed groups

Closed consultation group and key messages for the past three years.

Last updated 6 September 2023

Consultation groups that have closed within the past 3 years are listed here.

The last key messages are available here. For further information, email and specify what you require.

Closed groups

Last meeting date

Business Inbox Design working groupExternal Link

26 May 2022

Consultation Steering Group

25 October 2021

Lodgment Program Review Working Group

14 June 2022

Modernising Business Registers Business Advisory Group

19 June 2023

Modernising Business Registers Design working groupExternal Link

8 June 2023

Operational Framework Review working groupExternal Link

11 June 2021External Link

Retirement Villages Working Group

4 April 2022

Single Touch Payroll Advisory GroupExternal Link

29 October 2020

Single Touch Payroll Employer Transition Working Group

18 April 2023

Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Advisory Group

11 April 2023

Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 DSP Transition Working GroupExternal Link

25 November 2021External Link

SMSF Rollovers and Release Authorities v3 Co-design Group

1 February 2022

Supporting the Tax Profession Working Group

4 May 2021

Your Future, Your Super Working GroupExternal Link

8 October 2021External Link

Consultation Steering Group ensures significant matters identified are on track and the right people are involved.
