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Energy and Resources Working Group

What the Energy and Resources Working Group does, contact details, members and key messages from meetings.

Last updated 17 June 2024

The Energy and Resources Working Group comprises representatives from tax professional bodies, resource industry associations and the ATO. The working group consults on issues relating to:

  • income tax
  • resource rent taxes (petroleum resource rent tax and the now-repealed minerals resource rent tax)
  • other taxes as they directly impact on the energy and resources sector
  • general administration issues affecting the mining and petroleum industries.

The meetings also provide an opportunity to identify, discuss and jointly resolve significant technical and administrative issues, including potential ways to reduce compliance costs prior to the lodgment of returns, or the commencement of review activity. This provides taxpayers with enhanced certainty regarding lodgments and positions adopted prior to transactions occurring.


The secretariat of the Energy and Resources Working Group can be contacted by email at E&


Group membership details




Rebecca Saint (Chair), Public Groups


David Stevenson, Public Groups


Stan Spasojevic , Public Groups


Suzie Emery, Public Groups

Association of Mining and Exploration Companies

David Ocello

Association of Mining and Exploration Companies

Neil van Drunen

Association of Mining and Exploration Companies

Warren Pearce

Australian Energy Producers

Janelle O'Hare

Australian Energy Producers

Marc Lewis

Australian Energy Producers

Therese Stephenson

Australian Energy Producers

Wayne Calder


Jonathan Schneider

Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Joshua Reakes

DLA Piper

Jun Au

Energy and Resources Law

Nick Heggart


Jaime Hayes

Institute of Public Accountants

Basil Mistilis

Institute of Public Accountants

Lance Cunningham


Carlo Franchina

Law Council of Australia

Craig Bowie

Minerals Council of Australia

Domenic Smith

Minerals Council of Australia

Premila Roe

Minerals Council of Australia

Ross Lyons


Mark Crossman

The Tax Institute

Catherine Dean


Simon Winckler

Others may be invited by the Chair to participate in meetings to discuss specific issues.

Key messages

Key messages from meetings held in the last 3 years are available below.

For prior key messages, email the secretariat and specify what you require.

