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Public Groups Superannuation Working Group

What the Public Groups Superannuation Working Group does, contact details, members and key messages from meetings.

Published 26 November 2023

The Public Groups Superannuation Working Group is one of the stakeholder relationship groups operated by the ATO.

The primary purpose of the group is to maintain the ATO’s ongoing relationship with large Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) regulated super funds, industry representatives and key intermediaries in the superannuation industry.

The group will provide information on current income tax issues applicable to large APRA regulated super funds and seek members’ input on key changes and impacts to manage income taxation risks within the industry.


The secretariat of the Public Groups Superannuation Working Group can be contacted by email at


The Public Groups Superannuation Working Group is undergoing an expression of interest for membership.

We are calling for nominations from representatives of professional associations, industry bodies, tax professionals, academics, and legal firms to join us and bring your experience and perspective to our group.

See Public Groups Superannuation Working Group membership expression of interest to apply. Expressions of interest close on 24 November 2023.

