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National Tax Liaison Group

What the National Tax Liaison Group does, contact details, members and key messages from meetings.

Last updated 10 June 2024

The National Tax Liaison Group is one of the Stewardship groups operated by the ATO as a means of improving the client experience and administration of Australia’s taxation, superannuation and registry systems.

The group provides an opportunity for strategic discussion to develop and improve the administration and operation of the tax, super and registry systems into the future.

The group will discuss systemic or strategic matters regarding:

  • the administration of tax policy, implementation of new measures and associated law design process
  • interpretation or application of the law and its evolution or development
  • administration of the tax and super laws and compliance with those laws
  • ATO operations including activities that support the delivery of ATO services
  • ATO consultation activities.


The secretariat of the National Tax Liaison Group can be contacted by email at


Group membership details




Kirsten Fish (Co-chair), Law Design and Practice


Jeremy Hirschhorn, Client Engagement Group

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

Michael Barbour

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

Michael Croker

Corporate Tax Association

Simon Staples

CPA Australia

Alexis Kokkinos

CPA Australia

Elinor Kasapidis

Institute of Public Accountants

Tony Greco

Law Council of Australia

Justin Byrne

Law Council of Australia

Mia Clarebrough

The Tax Institute

Jerome Tse (Co-chair)

The Tax Institute

Julie Abdalla


Diane Brown


Laura Berger-Thomson

Key messages

Key messages from meetings held in the last 3 years are available below.

Refer to our Legal Database for prior key messages or minutes.
