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Tax Time Shareable Content Working Group key messages 19 May 2021

Summary of key topics discussed at the Tax Time Shareable Content Working Group meeting on 19 May 2021.

Last updated 22 June 2021

Members discussed and reviewed upgraded tax time tool kit web content and e-invoicing communications for small business.

Tax time toolkit web content

Work is currently being done to update the structure of tax time content for the 2021 tax time toolkit products to be added. Members were asked for their opinions on the layout and what will make it easier to find products and for general feedback.

Member feedback was raised on the translation from English to other languages on the tax time toolkit products, and the importance of maintaining consistency across different dialects.


Members discussed the phased communication approach with the initial focus being on raising awareness and encouraging uptake by small businesses.

Members were advised that some software providers are looking into the benefits of building e-invoicing directly into their products. This will reduce the need for businesses to invest in separate e-invoicing send/receive capability. The ATO is working with software providers on messaging to provide a better understanding to the small business community.

Member feedback overwhelmingly indicated the need for clear, consistent messaging about what e-invoicing is, how it works and how information is used.

Concerns were raised by members about negative wording on the cyber security aspect of e-invoicing, with the recommendation to re-word, ensuring confidence in the security is maintained.
