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Lodge and Pay Working Group key messages 25 March 2024

Key topics discussed at the Lodge and Pay Working Group meeting 25 March 2024.

Published 6 May 2024

Action items update

Action item

03 Payment plan conversation procedures


Anita Challen

Action item details

Payment plan processes, including staff conversation narrative to be shared with working group members to seek insights and support future enhancements.

Status update

Outcomes from focus group distributed to members 5 March. Further work will continue, to consider how member feedback can be used to support the payment plan experience (including payment conversation and capacity to pay scripting).

Focus group presentation, including staff conversation narrative shared with all members for visibility, as part of 25 March 2024 agenda and papers.

LAP-08 action item has been created following the focus group to provide visibility of this action.



Action item

06 ATO approach to payment plans


Anita Challen

Action item details

Provide a view of the ATO approach to payment plans, including what this means for clients who are ineligible or are refused a payment plan.

Status update

Information to support agents and clients is available on

A meeting was held with key (internal) stakeholders 13 March to consider a scoping activity to further investigate.


In progress

Action item

07 Booking system for debt discussion


Sylvia Gallagher

Action item details

Investigate options to consider tailored outbound phone calls.

Status update

Within our current system capabilities, a booking system isn’t a viable option. We have a call hierarchy of numbers, where we go to the tax agent first; if there is no answer, we send a practice mail/portal message requesting a call back regarding a specific client. To further support the client/agent experience, we consider the best times to call for various industries, how long we wait on the phone and the number of times we call.

We will look to share via future consultations an overview of how the ATO’s outbound telephony system (Dialler) operates, including system constraints for feedback on opportunities for improvements to support the client/agent experience.



Action item

08 Finalise and share streamlined view of capacity to pay conversation


Carol Hepe

Action item details

Consider LAP focus group feedback to finalise a streamlined view of a capacity to pay conversation and share a summary with members.

Status update

18 March 2024 feedback has been taken on board and changes to the current script for staff has been finalised. This includes a simplified approach to capacity to pay to ensure:

  • that we ask further questions of clients where necessary and provide a simpler pathway for clients who display better payment behaviours.
  • we trust in tax and financial professionals and discuss their process to establish the payment proposal being put forward, reducing further unnecessary conversations.
  • we ask for information to understand a client’s capacity to pay, and no longer require clients' in depth financial information.

Occasionally, financial statements may be required to assess the viability of an entity where necessary.

Following 6 May, initial findings will be presented to the group and opportunities for refinement or enhancement will be assessed.


In progress

Action item

09 Investigate ways to share a capacity to pay tool with agents and the community.


Carol Hepe

Action item details

Investigate ways to share a capacity to pay tool with agents and the community.

Status update

18 March 2024 feedback on the information gathered by our internal tool has been taken on board and changes have been made to scripting to address these issues, per action item 08.

We recognise the need for a tool which our staff and the community can use, and that the current tool is not fit for this purpose. Once our initial changes are in production, we will look to scope the potential options for a new tool and the LAP WG will be engaged in the process.

Our website content will be updated to provide clients visibility of what to expect when discussing payment options, including what questions we are likely to ask based on their circumstances, including prior dealings with the ATO, and how to prepare for capacity to pay should that be required.


In progress

Lodgment deferrals

Lodgment deferral behaviours, not in scope matters covered by the lodgment program review was discussed with members asked:

  • what does the ideal deferral experience look like
  • what are the challenges
  • why are people needing deferrals
  • what needs to change for future considerations?

Member comments included:

  • Members were positive about being able to request deferrals through Online services for agents. Some suggested improvements to deferral requests
    • Adding payment only deferrals to Online services for agents. Members agreed it would be a useful tool to manage clients who require an additional 2 to 3 weeks to pay.
    • Adding an option where agents can select a future date, up to 6 months.
    • Making ATO assessed deferrals easier to process. Members suggested having clearer instructions for agents, and link to the Practice Statement Law Administration guidelines with prompts and examples in the Online services for agents. An example of where ‘staff issues’ is provided as the reason for requesting the deferral, and the ATO is unable to make an informed decision within the requirements of the legislation.
    • Improving delays to client agent linking, as this impacts BAS being lodged on time and creating deferral requests.
  • Members shared experiences where clients have been contacted for outstanding payments, but the debt had been paid by the due date via BPay. Members were asked to share examples so the scenarios could be reviewed.
  • A range of reasons for lodgment deferral requests were shared
    • agent resource shortage
    • awaiting information from clients
    • new or reengaging clients who have multiple years of outstanding lodgments
    • delays in client agent linking, preventing BAS being lodged on time.

Members questioned why Online services for agents has a lodgement only deferral option. It was advised that there are some income tax obligations that do not have a payment option as the payment doesn’t align with the lodgment due date.

A solution is required to notify the ATO of new clients that agents cannot lodge for, due to delays in client agent linking. Adding an option in Online services for agents would be helpful.

A working group with interested Tax Practitioner Stewardship Group and BASA Agent Association Group members was proposed, to codesign the future state for agent and ATO assessed deferrals. Members agreed with this approach.
