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Detailed information about international tax agreements.

Australian Financial Accounts held by foreign tax residents are presented annually in Federal Parliament.

Provides information about current international arrangements that Australia has entered into.

How the multilateral instrument modifies tax treaties to address multinational tax avoidance and resolve tax disputes.

How Australia's tax treaties with other international tax authorities foster cooperation and prevent double taxation.

Check this document to help you determine whether or not you are a resident of Australia.

Detailed information about international tax information exchange agreements.

See the OECD comprehensive package of measures to address base erosion and profit shifting.

Detailed information about international tax agreements and permanent establishments.

Detailed information about international tax agreements and the foreign source income of Australian residents.

Detailed information about international tax agreements and Australian income of non-resident withholding obligations.

Prepare your Common Reporting Standard affairs under the Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information framework.

CRS requires reporting financial institutions (RFIs) to obtain self-certifications for all new accounts.

Check when payments and credits to Indian residents providing technical services remotely are not taxable in Australia.

See a list of exchange instruments the ATO has negotiated with foreign jurisdictions.
