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Other international agreements

Overview of other international agreements relating to tax that Australia has entered into.

Last updated 26 October 2016

In addition to Australia's traditional tax treaties, Australia enters into other international agreements relating to tax. Each of these separate agreements contains provisions that have an effect on the Australian tax liability of residents and non-residents.

Airline profits agreements

The airline profits agreements are limited to tax treaties dealing only with the cross-border taxation of airline profits. Australia has airline profits agreements with the following countries:

  • People’s Republic of China
  • Greece
  • Italy.

Tax information exchange agreements

A taxation information exchange agreement (TIEA) is a legal framework that allows an OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) member country and a non-OECD offshore financial centre jurisdiction to provide for exchange of information on request in both criminal and civil tax matters and commit to eliminate harmful tax practices.

For details, refer to Tax information exchange agreements – overview.

Timor Sea Treaty

The Timor Sea Treaty between Australia and East Timor provides a framework for the exploration, development and exploitation of the petroleum resources in the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) created by the treaty.

For details, refer to the Timor Sea Treaty – key points.

See also
