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Topic 6 – How I contribute to my community (Year 2)

Last updated 1 July 2020

Activity 2

Achievement Standard



The Arts (Drama)

What students do

Students use a variety of strategies to engage in group and class discussions*

Students demonstrate positive ways to interact with others*

Students make and present drama using the elements of role, situation and focus in dramatic play and improvisation


purposefully uses a variety of strategies to engage in group and class discussions about behaviours

purposefully acts in positive ways to interact with peers when planning and performing a freeze frame,

creates and performs a dramatic freeze frame, with skilful and effective use of:

  • role
  • situation
  • focus



effectively uses a variety of strategies to engage in group and class discussions about behaviours

effectively acts in positive ways to interact with peers when planning and performing a freeze frame,

creates and performs a dramatic freeze frame,, with effective use of:

  • role
  • situation
  • focus



uses a variety of strategies to engage in group and class discussions about behaviours

acts in positive ways to interact with peers when planning and performing a freeze frame,

creates and performs a dramatic freeze frame,, with use of:

  • role
  • situation
  • focus



with guidance, uses strategies to engage in group and class discussions about behaviours

acts in positive ways with some teacher guidance to interact with peers when planning and performing a freeze frame,

with guidance, creates and performs a dramatic freeze frame, using aspects of:

  • role
  • situation
  • focus



with teacher direction, uses simple strategies to engage in group and class discussions about behaviour

with direction, acts in positive ways to interact with peers when planning and performing a freeze frame,

with direction, creates and performs a dramatic freeze frame, using aspects of:

  • role
  • situation
  • focus


Activity 3 part 1

Achievement Standard




What students do

Students create texts, drawing on their own experiences, their imagination and information they have learnt

Students create texts that show how images support the meaning of the text

They accurately spell words with regular spelling patterns and spell words with less common long vowel patterns


purposefully creates a storyboard that draws extensively on personal experience, imagination and information learned about sharing

creates a storyboard that creatively and purposefully uses images and text to communicate meaning and messages

consistently and accurately spells words with

  • regular and irregular spelling patterns with less common long vowel patterns



effectively creates a storyboard that draws on personal experience, imagination and information learned about sharing

creates a storyboard that effectively uses images and text to communicate meaning and messages

consistently and accurately spells words with

  • regular spelling patterns
  • less common long vowel patterns



creates a storyboard that draws on personal experience, imagination and information learned about sharing

creates a storyboard that uses images and text to communicate meaning

accurately spells words with

  • regular spelling patterns
  • less common long vowel patterns



with guidance, creates a short storyboard that reflects their own experiences, imagination and information learned about sharing

with guidance, creates a storyboard that uses images and words or phrases to communicate meaning

accurately spells some words with regular spelling patterns and demonstrates developing spelling of words with less common long vowel patterns


with direction, creates a partial storyboard that reflects their own experiences, imagination and information learned about sharing

with direction, creates a storyboard that uses images and words or phrases to communicate meaning

spells some words with regular spelling patterns and demonstrates emerging spelling of words with less common long vowel patterns

Activity 3 part 2

Achievement Standard




What students do

Students use punctuation accurately

Students use write words and sentences legibly using unjoined upper- and lower-case letters

Students identify how emotional responses impact on others’ feelings


purposefully and consistently uses punctuation accurately

purposefully and consistently writes words and sentences legibly using unjoined upper- and lower-case letters

identifies and clearly describes how emotional responses impact on others’ feelings


consistently uses punctuation accurately

consistently writes words and sentences legibly using unjoined upper- and lower-case letters

identifies and describes how emotional responses impact on others’ feelings


uses punctuation accurately

writes words and sentences legibly using unjoined upper- and lower-case letters

identifies how emotional responses impact on others’ feelings


with guidance, uses simple punctuation accurately

uses unjoined upper- and lower-case letters to write words and sentences with some legibility

with guidance, identifies how emotional responses impact on others’ feelings


with direction, uses simple punctuation accurately

uses unjoined upper- and lower-case letters to write words and sentences with uneven legibility

with direction, identifies how emotional responses impact on others’ feelings

Activity 4

Achievement Standard


What students do

Students make presentations*


confidently makes a clear presentation on a valued behaviour or responsibility


makes a clear presentation on a valued behaviour or responsibility


makes a presentation on a valued behaviour or responsibility


with support, makes a presentation on a valued behaviour or responsibility


with direction, makes a presentation on a valued behaviour or responsibility

*Denotes that observations for student performance may be required

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