The following maps Paying It Forward, Year 3 and Year 4, Topic 1: Belonging and inclusion to the NSW syllabuses.
Mapping for topic 1 Stage 2
- EN2-1A communicates in a range of informal and formal contexts by adopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school and community contexts – topics 2, 3
- EN2-12E recognises and uses an increasing range of strategies to reflect on their own and others’ learning – topic 6
- PD2-10 demonstrates a range of interpersonal skills that build and enhance relationships and promote inclusion in various situations – topic 2
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Learning across the curriculum for topic 1
Comprehending texts through listening, reading, and viewing element
- 1.3 Listen and respond to learning area texts – topics 1, 2, 5
Composing texts through listening, reading, and viewing element
- 2.1 Compose texts – topics 2, 4
- 2.2 Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts – topics 2, 4
- 2.3 Use language to interact with others – topic 2
Grammar knowledge element
- 4.3 Express opinion and point of view – topic 3
Visual knowledge element
- Understand how visual elements create meaning – topics 2, 4
Critical and creative thinking
Inquiring – Identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas element
- 1.2 Identify and clarify information and ideas – topic 5
Reflecting on thinking and processes element
- 3.1 Think about thinking (metacognition) – topic 6
Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures element
- 4.1 Apply logic and reasoning – topic 3
Personal and social capability
Self-awareness element
- 1.2 Recognise personal qualities and achievements – topics 1, 2
- 1.4 Develop reflective practice – topic 2
Social awareness element
- 3.1 Appreciate diverse perspectives – topic 2
- 3.2 Contribute to civil society – topic 4
- 3.3 Understand relationships – topic 2
Social management element
4.1 Communicate effectively – topic 2
4.2 Work collaboratively – topic 2
Intercultural understanding
Recognising culture and developing respect element
- 1.1 Investigate culture and cultural identity – topic 2
- 1.3 Develop respect for cultural diversity – topic 2
Interacting with others element
- 3.2 Challenge stereotypes and prejudices – topic 2
Civics and citizenship
- Topics 2, 3, 4, 5
Difference and diversity
- Topics 1, 2
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Foundation to Year 2 Assessment
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