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Mapping for topic 1

Last updated 13 July 2020

The following maps Paying It Forward, Year 5 and Year 6, Topic 1: Community rights and responsibilities to the NSW syllabuses.

Mapping for topic 1 Stage 3


  • EN3-1A communicates effectively for a variety of audiences and purposes using increasingly challenging topics, ideas, issues and language forms and features – activities 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
  • EN3-3A uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different media and technologies – activities 3, 6


  • PD3-3 evaluates the impact of empathy, inclusion and respect on themselves and others – activity 7
  • PD3-9 applies and adapts self-management skills to respond to personal and group situations – activities 4, 7
  • PD3-10 selects and uses interpersonal skills to interact respectfully with others to promote inclusion and build connections – activities 4, 7

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Learning across the curriculum for topic 1


Comprehending texts through listening, reading, and viewing element

  • 1.1 Comprehend texts – activity 7
  • 1.2 Navigate, read and view learning area texts – activity 7
  • 1.3 Listen and respond to learning area texts – activities 1, 3, 5, 6
  • 1.4 Interpret and analyse learning area texts – activities 3, 6

Composing texts through listening, reading, and viewing element

  • 2.1 Compose texts – activities 4, 7
  • 2.2 Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts – activities 4, 7
  • 2.3 Use language to interact with others – activities 1, 4, 7

Word knowledge element

  • 5.1 Understand learning area vocabulary – activities 3, 7

Information and Communication Technology capability (ICT)

Investigating with ICT element

  • 2.1 Define and plan information searches – activity 7
  • 2.2 Locate, generate and access data and information – activity 7
  • 2.3 Select and evaluate data and information – activity 7

Critical and creative thinking

Inquiring – Identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas element

  • 1.2 Identify and clarify information and ideas – activity 7
  • 1.3 Organise and process information – activity 7

Personal and social capability

Self-awareness element

  • 1.2 Recognise personal qualities and achievements – activity 8
  • 1.4 Develop reflective practice – activity 8

Social awareness element

  • 3.3 Understand relationships – activity 1

Social management element

  • 4.1 Communicate effectively – activity 1
  • 4.2 Work collaboratively – activities 1, 2, 4, 7, 8
  • 4.3 Make decisions – activities 1, 7
  • 4.4 Negotiate and resolve conflict – activity 1
  • 4.5 Develop leadership skills – activity 1

Ethical understanding

Exploring values, rights and responsibilities element

  • 3.1 Examine values – activities 3, 7
  • 3.2 Explore rights and responsibilities – activities 2, 4, 5

Intercultural understanding

Recognising culture and developing respect element

  • 1.3 Develop respect for cultural diversity – activity 7

Civics and citizenship

  • Activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Difference and diversity

  • Activity 7

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