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Topic 5 Saving and budgets (Year 3)

Last updated 1 July 2020

Activity 6

Achievement Standard


What students do

Students recognise the connection between addition and subtraction and solve problems using efficient strategies for multiplication


uses efficient written and mental strategies to correctly calculate and solve a range of addition, subtraction and multiplication problems and checks the reasonableness of their answers by estimating


uses efficient written and mental strategies to solve a range of addition, subtraction and multiplication problems and checks the reasonableness of their answers by estimating


uses efficient strategies solve addition, subtraction and multiplication problems


with support, uses strategies to solve addition, subtraction and multiplication problems


uses strategies as directed to solve addition, subtraction and multiplication problems

Activity 7 part 1

Achievement Standard




What students do

Students understand how content can be organised using different text structures depending on the purpose of the text

Students understand how language features, images and vocabulary choices are used for different effects

Students listen to others’ views and respond appropriately using interaction skills*


provides a considered explanation of how the text structure of an advertisement achieves its purpose to persuade

purposefully explains in detail how language features, images and vocabulary choices combine to persuade an audience

purposefully uses interaction skills to actively listen to others’ views and respond appropriately


provides an informed explanation of how the text structure of an advertisement achieves its purpose to persuade

effectively explains how language features, images and vocabulary choices combine to persuade an audience

effectively uses interaction skills to actively listen to others’ views and respond appropriately


provides an explanation of how the text structure of an advertisement achieves its purpose to persuade

explains how language features, images and vocabulary choices combine to persuade an audience

uses interaction skills to listen to others’ views and respond appropriately


with support, connects the text structure of an advertisement with its purpose

with support, provides a brief explanation of how images or vocabulary choices are used to persuade and audience

with support, uses interaction skills to listen to others’ views and respond


with direction, connects the text structure of an advertisement with its purpose

with direction, provides a brief explanation of how images or vocabulary choices are used to persuade and audience

uses language to express some feelings and opinions on advertisements

Activity 7 part 2

Achievement Standard




What students do

Students understand how language can be used to express feelings and opinions on topics

Student’s texts include writing and images to express and develop ideas

Students contribute actively to class and group discussions, asking questions, providing useful feedback and making presentations*


uses considered language to effectively express feelings and opinions on a range of advertisements

skilfully combines writing and images to create a highly effective and persuasive advertisement

purposefully contributes to group discussions by:

  • asking questions for clarification and to extend discussions
  • providing useful feedback to add to discussions
  • making effective presentations



uses language to effectively express feelings and opinions on a range of advertisements

combines writing and images to create an effective persuasive advertisement

effectively contributes to group discussions by:

  • asking thoughtful questions
  • providing useful feedback
  • making presentations



uses language to express feelings and opinions on advertisements

combines writing and images to create a persuasive advertisement

contributes to group discussions by:

  • asking questions
  • providing useful feedback
  • making presentations



with direction, uses interaction skills to listen to others’ views and respond

uses writing and images to create an advertisement

contributes to group discussions by:

  • answering questions
  • providing feedback when asked
  • making presentations



with support, uses language to express some feelings and opinions on advertisements

with support, uses writing and images to create an advertisement

responds to prompts to contribute to group discussions and makes short presentations

* Denotes that observations for student performance may be required

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