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Topic 6 Improving my community (Year 4)

Last updated 1 July 2020

Activity 1 part 1

Achievement Standard




What students do

Students describe different methods for data collection and representation, and evaluate their effectiveness

Students construct data displays from collected data

Students develop questions to investigate


purposefully selects effective methods of data collection (questions, subjects, variables) and representation (tables and graphs) and evaluates their effectiveness to select and justify the most appropriate representation

purposefully constructs a range of appropriate data displays from collected data

purposefully designs effective survey questions to identify preferred government services by different groups


selects effective methods of data collection and representation and evaluates their effectiveness to select the most appropriate representation

constructs a range of appropriate data displays from collected data

designs effective survey questions to identify preferred government services by more than one group


selects appropriate methods of data collection and representation and evaluates their effectiveness

constructs data displays from collected data

designs survey questions to frame an investigation of preferences for different government


selects methods of data collection and representation and provides a partial evaluation of their effectiveness

with support, constructs data displays from collected data

with support, poses questions to ask in a survey


selects methods of data collection and representation and provides a fragmented evaluation of their effectiveness

with direction, constructs data displays from collected data

with direction, poses questions to ask in a survey

Activity 1 part 2

Achievement Standard




What students do

Students collect information and data from different sources, including observations to answer these questions

Students interpret data to identify and describe distributions and simple patterns and draw conclusions

Students record and represent data in different formats, including large-scale maps using basic cartographic conventions


effectively collects data about the preferences of different groups for a range of government services

interprets a range of data to identify preferences for government services across different groups, explains patterns and draws and justifies conclusions with qualitative and quantitative evidence

clearly records and effectively represents a range of data in different formats


collects data about the preferences of different groups for a range of government services

interprets different data sets to identify preferences for government services across different groups identifies simple patterns and draws evidence-based conclusions

records and effectively represents data in different formats,


collects data about the preferences of different people for a range of government services

interprets date to identify identify preferences for government services, identifies simple patterns and draws conclusions

records and represents data in different formats


with support, collects data about student preferences for government services

interprets aspects of data to identify preferences for government services and with support, identifies simple patterns and draws conclusions

records and represents aspects of data in different formats


with direction, collects some data about student preferences for government services

with directions, interprets aspects of data to identify some identify preferences for government services, partially identities patterns and draws simple conclusions

with support, records and represents aspects of data in different formats

Activity 3 part 1

Achievement Standard





What students do

Students create texts that show understanding of how images and detail can be used to extend key ideas

Students demonstrate understanding of grammar

Students select vocabulary from a range of resources

Students use accurate spelling and punctuation


creates a highly effective text that extends ideas through the skillful use of images and detail

applies deep understanding of grammar to write effectively and coherently

purposefully selects relevant and appropriate vocabulary from a wide range of resources

consistently uses accurate spelling and punctuation, selecting the latter for effect


creates an effective text that extends ideas through the appropriate use of images and detail

applies understanding of grammar to write effectively

effectively selects appropriate vocabulary from a range of resources

consistently uses accurate spelling and punctuation


creates a text that extends key ideas with images and detail

demonstrates understanding of grammar

selects relevant and vocabulary from a range of resources

uses accurate spelling and punctuation


creates a text shows partial understanding of how images and detail can be used to extend key ideas

demonstrates partial understanding of grammar

with support, selects vocabulary from different resources

variously uses accurate spelling and punctuation


creates a text shows fragmented understanding of how images and detail can be used to extend key ideas

demonstrates fragmented understanding of grammar

with direction, selects vocabulary from resources

spells some words accurately and uses simple punctuation

Activity 3 part 2

Achievement Standard




What students do

Students demonstrate understanding of re- reading and editing their work to improve meaning

Students identify structures that support their local community

Students reflect on their learning to propose action in response to an issue or challenge, and identify the possible effects of their proposed action


purposefully re-reads and edits their writing to improve meaning

selects a local government resource or service needed by their community and provides appropriate and persuasive evidence to justify their selection

reflects on their learning to make reasoned suggestions of individual action they could take to contribute to their local community and predicts the immediate and long-term effects of their proposed actions


effectively re-reads and edits their writing to improve meaning

selects a local government resource or service that will support their community and provides appropriate evidence to justify their selection

reflects on their learning to make informed suggestions of individual action they could take to contribute to their local community and identifies the possible immediate and long-term effects of their proposed action


re-reads and edits their writing to improve meaning

selects a local government resource or service that will support their community and provides evidence to justify their selection

reflects on their learning to suggest individual action they could take to contribute to their local community and identifies the possible effects of their proposed action


partially re-reads and edits their writing for meaning

selects a local government resource or service that will support their community and provides partial evidence to support their selection

with support, reflects on their learning to suggest individual action they could take to contribute to their local community and identifies some possible effects of their proposed action


with support, partially re-reads and checks their writing for meaning

with direction, selects a local government resource or service that will support their community and provides fragmented evidence to justify their selection

with direction, reflects on their learning to suggest individual action they could take to contribute to their local community and identifies some possible effects of their proposed action

Activity 6

Achievement Standard


What students do

Students make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, varying language according to context*


skillfully varies language according to context to make engaging presentations and actively and purposefully contributes to class and group discussions


effectively varies language according to context to make presentations and contributes actively and effectively to class and group discussions


varies language according to context to make presentations and contributes actively to class and group discussions


partially varies language according to context to make presentations and with prompting, contributes to class and group discussions


makes presentations and responds to prompts to contribute to class and group discussions

* Denotes that observations for student performance may be required

Activity 1, 3 and 6

Achievement Standard


What students do

Students present ideas, findings and conclusions using discipline-specific terms in a range of communication forms


effectively and coherently communicates their ideas, findings and conclusions in a range of communication forms using relevant discipline-specific terms (e.g.majority, community wellbeing, consensus, democracy


effectively communicates their ideas, findings and conclusions in a range of communication forms using relevant discipline-specific terms


communicates their ideas, findings and conclusions in a range of communication forms using simple discipline-specific terms (eg: most, local community, mayor, ratepayers, citizens)


unevenly communicates ideas, findings and simple conclusions in different communication forms using some simple discipline-specific terms


with direction, unevenly communicates ideas, findings and simple conclusions in different communication forms using some simple discipline-specific terms

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