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Year 5 teacher guidelines

Last updated 1 July 2020

Assessment portfolio: Building our ideal community

This is a text version of Year 5 teacher guidelines. Along with this accessible version, which you can either print or use online, we also have the same guidelines available as a PDF – Year 5 teacher guidelines (PDF, 200KB)This link will download a file.

Assessment description

The assessment that has been developed for this resource is drawn from activities in the resource itself. Activities from each topic have been identified to form a portfolio of work. Each activity enables teachers to gather evidence of student performance in relation to aspects of the Australian Curriculum achievement standards for English, Mathematics, HASS and HPE. Teachers can select activities and related assessment items that best suit their student and programming needs. The unit of work was developed using the Backwards design process as detailed below. Stage 1: desired results

Stage 1: Desired results

Achievement standards for English


  • Receptive modes – listen and ask questions to clarify content.
  • Productive modes    
    • create persuasive texts for different purposes and audiences
    • make presentations which include multimodal elements for defined purposes
    • contribute actively to class and group discussions, taking into account other perspectives
    • demonstrate understanding of grammar using a variety of sentence types
    • select specific vocabulary and use accurate spelling and punctuation
    • edit their work for cohesive structure and meaning.

Achievement standards for Mathematics


  • solve simple problems involving the four operations using a range of strategies
  • check the reasonableness of answers using estimation and rounding
  • explains for simple budgets
  • order decimals and unit fractions and locate them on number lines
  • use a grid reference system to locate landmarks
  • gather data, and construct data displays appropriate for the data.

Achievement standards for HASS


  • identify and describe the interconnections between people and the human and environmental characteristics of places
  • identify the importance of values and processes to Australia’s democracy
  • recognise that choices need to be made when allocating resources
  • locate and collect data and information from a range of sources
  • interpret data to identify and describe distributions, simple patterns and to infer relationships, and suggest conclusions based on evidence
  • sort, record and represent data in different formats, including large-scale maps, using basic conventions
  • work with others to generate alternative responses to an issue or challenge and reflect on their learning to independently propose action, describing the possible effects of their proposed action
  • present their ideas, findings and conclusions in a range of communication forms using discipline-specific terms and appropriate conventions.

Achievement standards for Health and Physical Education


  • describe the significance of physical activity participation to health and wellbeing
  • examine how physical activity, celebrating diversity and connecting to the environment support community wellbeing and cultural understanding
  • demonstrate skills to work collaboratively.


ACARA, The Australian CurriculumExternal Link v8.3,


Students will be able to independently use their learning to:

  • understand and enact the values, civic rights and responsibilities at the heart of a democratic society
  • demonstrate respect for others and their rights and act in ways that promote inclusion
  • reflect on the values which underpin Australian communities
  • value the contribution that individuals make to their communities through volunteering and paying taxes
  • set short and long-term savings goals and make informed financial decisions
  • work collaboratively to problem solve issues and draw conclusions
  • appreciate the importance of physical activity and the environment in connecting community members.


Students will understand that:

  • all Australians have rights and responsibilities
  • the government protects our rights and responsibilities
  • taxation is used to pay for goods and services that benefit all Australians
  • all Australians contribute to taxation through their income and/or what they buy
  • there are different taxation models that are used to ensure the system is fair
  • saving requires planning and making informed choices
  • superannuation plays a role in meeting future needs and wants.

Essential questions:

  • What is democracy?
  • What values underpin Australian communities?
  • What are our rights and responsibilities?
  • What is the role of government in my community?
  • What is fair?
  • How is our taxation system fair?
  • Where does taxation go?
  • What is the difference between short-term and long-term goals?
  • Why should I set saving goals?
  • What is superannuation?
  • What do I think makes an ideal community?


Students will know:

  • the rights, responsibilities and values which exist in a democratic system
  • the organisations that lend a helping hand in their community
  • taxation is a system
  • the difference between resources and services and distinguish between those that are public and those that are private
  • equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
  • three different taxation models
  • where the government allocates taxation
  • the difference between short-term and long-term goal
  • the costs and opportunities of savings
  • the purpose of superannuation.

Students will be skilled at:

  • reflecting on their role in the community
  • identifying goods, services and business
  • using mathematical language to describe fair
  • calculating equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
  • proposing and evaluating solutions
  • using mathematical reasoning to solve real-world problems
  • constructing and interpreting graphical representations
  • designing and explaining simple budgets
  • creating scaled maps
  • using efficient mental and written mathematical strategies
  • making informed decisions
  • setting short and long-term goals
  • working collaboratively
  • planning, rehearsing and delivering presentations
  • composing persuasive texts

Stage 2: Assessment evidence

Assessment evidence for activities by topic




Topic 1: Community rights and responsibilities

Activity 3: What is a democracy – Video stimulus

Activity 4: Rights and responsibilities – Sorting game

Activity 7: Creating our ideal community – Group planning

Graphic organisers: Students complete the provided graphic organiser individually while viewing the video ‘What is democracy’ and collaboratively use a Venn diagram to sort rights and responsibilities

Personal response: Students explain the importance of each value of Australia’s democracy and select three rights and phrase them as personal responsibilities

Community planning template part 1: Students collaboratively research and decide on their ideal community’s profile and the rights and responsibilities of citizens and individually explain how and why their community values diversity

Topic 2: Community support

Activity 2: Helping hands in the community – Visual stimulus

Activity 4: Taxation as a system – What if?

Activity 6: Creating our ideal community – Group planning

Helping hands template: Students consider ways they can contribute to their communities and reflect on the difference these actions may make

Visual representations and Group consequences chart: Students create a visual representation of the tax system and identify consequences caused by changes to parts of the system

Written explanation: Students select public resources/services in their ideal community that support physical activity and connecting to the environment and explain how these services or resources contribute to community wellbeing

Topic 3: Collecting tax fairly

Activity 2: Unequal contribution – Modelling

Activity 4: Tax models – Worksheet and discussion

Activity 5: Creating our ideal community – Group planning

Representing fractions, decimals and percentages worksheet: Students represent the same number in different ways and locate these on a number line

Tax models worksheet: Students apply different tax models to calculate the amount of tax payable

Community planning template part 3: Students individually decide on the tax models their community should use and justify their choice

Topic 4: Responsible government spending

Activity 3: Social security and welfare – The distribution game

Activity 5: Creating our ideal community – Group planning

Distribution of wealth worksheet: Students construct and interpret data displays to show how wealth is shared in a hypothetical economy

Community planning template, Part 4, 5 and 6: Students complete the three resource sheets in this activity, aspects of which are completed either collaboratively or individually. The tasks include research, community budget, a map and the location of government services

Topic 5: Saving and superannuation

Activity 2: How to reach your goals – Budgeting

Activity 3: The benefits and costs of saving – Estimating

Activity 4: Long-term saving – Saving worksheet

Activity 6: Reflection – Jingle or tap

Activity 7: Extension - Presentation

Budget help worksheet: Students develop budgets and decide on what actions to take to reach financial goals

Photographic evidence: Students use mini-whiteboards (or notebooks) to show their chosen estimation strategy. Photographs are taken of their working.

Saving worksheet: Students individually complete the calculations and reflection questions on this worksheet.

Jingle script: Students collaboratively create a jingle to promote the benefits of superannuation

Recording: Students produce an audio or video recording of their jingle being performed.

Topic 6: Our ideal community

Activity 3: Community pitch – Preparing to present

Activity 4: Presenting the pitch – Community group presentations

Written pitch: Students individually write a pitch for their ideal community

Presentation: Students present their pitch to an audience N.B Assessment evidence from earlier topics should be embedded into the multi-modal presentation as appropriate.

There are several opportunities throughout this resource for students to work with others, either in pairs, groups or as a class. Interactions, discussions and participation in groups should be observed when appropriate. The rubrics indicate when observations may be required.

Judgements about performance

When making judgments about evidence of student performance, teachers are advised to use the assessment rubrics.

Stage 3: Learning plan

The content descriptions that teachers may include in their teaching programs can be draw from the mapping documents. These include links to the general capabilities.


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