Activity 3
Achievement Standard
What students do
Students explain the importance of people and processes to Australia’s democracy
uses own words to accurately define democracy and draws on a range of sources to effectively explain in detail the importance of people and processes to Australia’s democracy
uses own words to define democracy and draws on sources to effectively explain the importance of people and processes to Australia’s democracy
defines democracy and explains the importance of people and processes to Australia’s democracy
with support, provides a simple definition of democracy and explains why some processes are importance to Australia’s democracy
with direction, provides a simple definition of democracy and provides a limited explanation of why some processes are important to Australia’s democracy
Activity 3 and 4
Achievement Standard
What students do
Students organise data in a range of formats
correctly organises detailed information about democracy and associated rights and responsibilities using different graphic organisers
correctly organises information about democracy and associated rights and responsibilities using different graphic organisers
organises information about democracy and associated rights and responsibilities using provided graphic organisers
with support, organises information about democracy and associated rights and responsibilities using provided graphic organisers
with direction, organises information about democracy and associated rights and responsibilities using provided graphic organisers
Activity 4
Achievement Standard
What students do
Students describe the rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens
describes a range of citizen rights and associated responsibilities that ensure rights are protected
describes a range of citizen rights and associated responsibilities
describes citizen rights and responsibilities
describes some citizen rights and responsibilities
with support, describes some citizen rights and responsibilities
Activity 3, 4 and 7
Achievement Standard
What students do
Students listen to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas*
Students contribute actively to class and group discussions, using a variety of strategies for effect*
actively listens to discussions, clarifying content and thoughtfully and respectfully challenging others’ ideas
purposefully uses a range of strategies for effect when actively contributing to class and group discussions
actively listens to discussions, clarifying content and respectfully challenging others’ ideas
effectively uses a range of strategies for effect when actively contributing to class and group discussions
listens to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas
uses a variety of strategies for effect when actively contributing to class and group discussions
listens to discussions, asking questions for clarification
uses some strategies for effect when contributing to class and group discussions
with prompting, listens and asks questions with prompting
with prompting, uses some strategies for effect when contributing to class and group discussions
Activity 7
Achievement Standard
What students do
They examine how celebrating diversity supports community wellbeing and cultural understanding
Students locate and collect useful data and information from secondary sources
Students collaboratively generate alternative responses to an issue and reflect on their learning to propose action in response to an issue or challenge
investigates and explains in detail how celebrating diversity supports both community wellbeing and cultural understanding
locates and collects useful data and information from a range of reliable secondary sources
contributes useful ideas to a collaboratively designed community profile and proposes a response based on well researched and comparative details about different communities
investigates and explains how celebrating diversity supports community wellbeing and cultural understanding
locates and collects useful data and information from a range of secondary sources
contributes ideas to a collaboratively designed community profile and proposes a response based on well researched details about different communities
examines how celebrating diversity supports community wellbeing and cultural understanding
locates and collects useful data and information from secondary sources
contributes ideas to a collaboratively designed community profile and proposes a response based on researched details about different communities
with support, examines how celebrating diversity supports community wellbeing and cultural understanding
locates and collects data and information from a few secondary sources
contributes some ideas to a collaboratively designed community profile and proposes a simple response based on some research
with direction, examines celebrating diversity supports community wellbeing and cultural understanding
with support, locates and collects data and information
with support, contributes some ideas to a collaboratively designed community profile and proposes a simple response based on some research
Activity 3 and 7
Achievement Standard
What students do
Students present ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of communication forms, communication conventions and discipline-specific terms
purposefully and effectively presents their detailed ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of communication forms using sophisticated discipline-specific terms and appropriate conventions
effectively presents their ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of communication forms using appropriate discipline-specific terms and conventions
presents their ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of communication forms using discipline-specific terms and appropriate conventions
unevenly communicates their ideas, findings, viewpoints and simple conclusions using some discipline-specific terms and conventions
with support, unevenly communicates their ideas, findings, viewpoints and simple conclusions using some discipline-specific terms and conventions
*Denotes that observations for student performance may be required
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