Achievement Standard
What students do
Students create detailed texts elaborating on key ideas
Students demonstrate an understanding of grammar
Students make considered vocabulary choices to enhance cohesion and structure in their writing
creates a highly effective and detailed pitch that provides persuasive arguments to support their community design and uses a range of examples to elaborate on these arguments
demonstrates a very deep understanding of grammar by carefully selecting sentences, clauses and word and word groups to purposefully and effectively explain, expand and sharpen ideas
purposefully makes highly considered and effective vocabulary choices to enhance cohesion and structure in their writing
creates an effective and detailed pitch that provides convincing arguments to support their community design and uses a number of examples to elaborate on these arguments
demonstrates a deep understanding of grammar by selecting sentences, clauses and word and word groups to effectively explain, and expand ideas
makes considered and effective vocabulary choices to enhance cohesion and structure in their writing
creates a detailed pitch that provides arguments to support their community design and uses examples to elaborate on these arguments
demonstrates an understanding of grammar by selecting sentences, clauses and word and word groups to explain, expand and sharpen ideas
makes considered vocabulary choices to enhance cohesion and structure in their writing
creates a pitch that uses some examples to elaborate on arguments
demonstrates a developing understanding of grammar by using simple sentences, clauses and word and word groups to explain ideas
makes vocabulary choices to achieve some cohesion and structure in their writing
with support, creates a pitch a pitch that uses a limited number of examples to elaborate on arguments
demonstrates an emerging understanding of grammar by using simple sentences, clauses and words to explain ideas
with direction, makes vocabulary choices to achieve some cohesion and structure in their writing