01. Overview

Last updated 16 August 2022


The ATO’s purpose is to contribute to the economic and social wellbeing of Australians by fostering willing participation in the tax, superannuation and registry systems.


We are a leading tax, superannuation and registry administration known for our contemporary service, expertise and integrity.

Strategic objectives

We have 8 strategic objectives, which are grouped into 5 perspectives. Our key focus areas and core priorities enable us to achieve these objectives.


  • G1: We build community confidence by sustainably reducing the tax gap and providing assurance across the tax, superannuation and registry systems.
  • G2: We design for better tax, superannuation and registry systems to make it easy to comply and hard not to.


  • C1: Our client experience and interactions are well designed, tailored, fair and transparent
  • C2: We work with and through others to deliver efficient and effective tax, superannuation and registry systems.


  • W1: We are a high-performing workforce with a focus on integrity, the right culture, capability and tools to deliver the best client and staff experience.


  • O1: We use data, information and insights to deliver value for our clients and inform decision-making across everything we do.
  • O2: Our technology and digital services deliver a reliable and contemporary client experience.


  • F1: We strive for operational excellence to achieve efficiency and quality outcomes.

How the elements of our plan interrelate

Still to come
