Commissioner’s foreword

Last updated 26 July 2023

'We are keeping pace in a time of change, while maintaining focus on our core business for the benefit of all Australians’

In recent years the world has changed significantly, and the ATO has adapted and evolved to support the community. I am proud of the way we have remained agile and delivered high quality service while continuing to collect the revenue that supports the economic and social wellbeing of Australians.

Our 2023–24 corporate plan is the final chapter of our Towards 2024 journey. It highlights 8 key focus areas strategically important for us this year, and another 15 priorities that align to our purpose of administering the tax, superannuation and registry systems.

We continue to expand our use of data to drive digitalisation this year, keeping pace with technology advances. As we continue to innovate, we are updating our data and digital infrastructure to ensure we meet client and community expectations. Our vision is that – where possible – through smart use of data and digitalisation, tax, superannuation and registry interactions just happen.

For small businesses, we will continue our digital-first approach that aims to minimise errors, save time, increase confidence, and promote reporting and payment at the right time.

We continue to take cybersecurity extremely seriously. We will further bolster our already robust systems to ensure we effectively monitor, detect, and respond to cyberthreats to protect our organisation and the significant data we hold.

We also take seriously our role protecting taxpayers from risks such as identity fraud and scams. In response to increasing fraud attempts, we are embedding fraud prevention methods into our systems, and rapidly increasing our detection capabilities. We will continue bringing to account those who do the wrong thing, and continue to educate Australians on being ‘scam safe’.

In line with community expectations, we will ensure multinationals pay the right amount of tax and will take firm action against those seeking to game the system.

In 2023-24, we will also keep up our momentum to engage with taxpayers to ensure they meet their obligations where they have an outstanding debt with us. We will do this by exercising firmer debt collection actions when appropriate. This will also prevent those who don't pay from gaining an unfair financial advantage.

We will sharpen our focus on superannuation guarantee non-compliance by ensuring employers meet their obligations. This includes monitoring payments to ensure employees receive correct and timely superannuation entitlements and taking firm action with employers who deliberately fail to meet these important obligations.

Central to delivering on our strategic priorities is the expertise, capability, and integrity of our people. We understand that it is critical we position the ATO and our people for the future by providing them with the tools, training, and leadership required to thrive and succeed.

Reflecting on our journey over the past 10 years, I am incredibly proud of everything we have achieved. As we turn our minds to 2024 and beyond, I’m confident our strong foundations and shared goals will ensure we continue to be a world-leading tax, superannuation, and registry administrator.

Chris Jordan AO
Commissioner of Taxation and
Registrar of the Australian Business Register
and the Australian Business Registry Services

This ATO corporate plan 2023–24 has been prepared as required under paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. It covers the period 2023–24 to 2026–27 and includes the plan of the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS). Due to their operational independence, the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) have produced their own corporate plans.
