It is my pleasure to join with the ATO and the ACNC by contributing to the Australian Taxation Office corporate plan 2024–25. This plan includes the TPB’s key activities and the performance measures we will apply as we renew our effort to deliver on our purpose. Leading on from a successful 2023–24, we continue to build on our relationships with the profession and the public, and we support the government’s reform agenda. We recognise the ongoing scrutiny of the system, together with increasing stakeholder expectations. The TPB will continue to support consumers and the majority of practitioners acting ethically and lawfully. We are equally committed to addressing misconduct that undermines confidence in the system.
Our focus is on supporting the government’s reform agenda, which aims to strengthen the integrity of the tax profession, while building confidence in the tax and regulatory system. We have been involved in the development and implementation of new legislation, regulations, and standards that will apply to the profession, and along with the recognised professional associations, we have provided our expertise and advice to government and other stakeholders. We are conscious of the need to communicate and explain changes and their implications to the profession and the public, and we continue to prepare ourselves and our systems for the transition.
Another key aspect of our work as a regulator is to focus on practical implementation and support for tax practitioners, especially considering our changing and complex environment. We will focus on providing timely guidance, resources, and advice that are relevant and useful for the profession. We will respond to the queries and concerns of tax practitioners and continue to offer assistance and advice where needed.
Finally, in collaboration with the ATO, we renew our shared focus on investigations and compliance. We will investigate and take action against unregistered preparers and those who are non-compliant with the TASA. Led by the expectations of the community, together we will continue to rebuild public trust and confidence in the integrity of the tax profession and tax system.
Peter de Cure AM
Tax Practitioners Board