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Digital strategy framework

The pillars, enablers and principles that help shape our 3-year vision.

Last updated 28 June 2023

The framework to deliver our digital strategy is framed by 4 pillars, the key enabling capabilities required to deliver on our aspirations and is supported by 5 principles for digital. This sets us up to deliver on the 3-year vision for 2025 and steer us toward our aspiration for the year 2030.

Vision for 2025

Our vision for 2025 is to be a leading digital business, shaping trusted and effective digital services and ecosystems.


  • Evolve our digital maturity.
  • Continue to deliver and leverage the right digital platforms.
  • Deliver personalised optimal experiences for our clients and our people.
  • Collaborate with partners to build connected and trusted ecosystems.

Key enablers

These are:

  • data and analytics
  • technology
  • law and policy
  • cyber security.

Principles for digital

  • Design for the user.
  • Imagine the possible.
  • Leverage natural systems.
  • Sustainable digitalisation and benefits.
  • Integrity by design.

Towards 2030

The ATO will be fully digitalised by 2030.

Objectives to implement the framework

To achieve our vision we have established objectives for each pillar to drive implementation of this strategy. These will be delivered through key initiatives that will impact a variety of products, services and stakeholder groups. These initiatives are described in Part B – Implementation.

Pillar 1 – Evolve our digital maturity


  • Evolve our operating model and processes to enable innovation and cost-effectiveness.
  • Develop our workforce to have the digital knowledge and skills to drive ‘digital first’ thinking to enhance our staff and client experiences.

Pillar 2 – Continue to deliver and leverage the right digital platforms


  • Deliberate investment in our missing digital capabilities to enable experiences that reflect the contemporary digital world.
  • Maximise the benefits and use of our current digital capabilities to meet the needs of our users.

Pillar 3 – Deliver personalised optimal experiences for our clients and our people


  • Tax and super ‘just happen’ through simple digital interactions, authenticated identity and verifiable and trusted data.
  • Know and understand our clients and offer digital services and support to meet their needs anywhere, anytime on any device.
  • Digitalisation of our staff experiences, services and processes and empowering our staff with intelligent workflows and client data.

Pillar 4 – Collaborate with partners to build connected and trusted ecosystems


  • Take a whole of ecosystem view and actively participate in the digital ecosystem with our partners.
  • Strengthen digital services to uphold privacy, security and improve fraud prevention and responses.
