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09. Tax Practitioners Board

Last updated 8 August 2021

The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) is an independent statutory body created under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA). It consists of members appointed by the Minister for Housing and Assistant Treasurer, and staff made available by the Commissioner of Taxation.

The purpose of the TPB is to ensure that tax practitioner services are provided to the public in accordance with appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct. The TPB protects consumers of taxation services by regulating tax practitioners, thereby strengthening the integrity of the tax profession.

The TPB has three strategic objectives to achieve this role:

  • efficient registration of tax practitioners
  • effective compliance through education, deterrence and sanctions
  • innovation and preparation for the future.

To achieve these objectives, the TPB will:

  • improve the registration experience for tax practitioners
  • efficiently treat tax practitioner applications and enquiries
  • provide guidance and advice to tax practitioners on their eligibility requirements and obligations under the TASA
  • provide support through targeted communications that educate tax practitioners
  • impede misconduct by tax practitioners and unregistered preparers through its compliance programs
  • implement a strategic litigation program to clarify the law, support just outcomes and deter poor conduct
  • work with Treasury and government to design and implement reforms to the TASA and the TPB (including funding requirements)
  • deliver an ongoing technology program to provide enhanced services and drive operational efficiency
  • support its people by delivering a comprehensive People Program.

Further details about the TPB, including its activities and results, are provided in its 2021-22 corporate plan, available at Link.
