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International visitors program

Information and application requirements for the International visitors program.

Last updated 4 July 2018

Our International visitors program provides overseas tax administrations with:

  • a clear and concise overview of our administration, programs and policies
  • opportunities to share best practices.

The program:

  • is aimed at delegations from national revenue authorities, not private individuals, business groups, or state or local revenue authorities
  • is not designed as a training or technical assistance exercise but is intended to be an opportunity to exchange knowledge, information and best practice.

Applying to visit us

When you apply to visit us:

  • your application must be submitted by an official representative of your tax administration, not a private company or individual acting on behalf of your administration
  • submit your application at least 45 days before the date you intend to visit, unless  
    • your visit is an addition to an existing itinerary involving visits to other government departments and will be less than one day in duration
    • your tax administration has a shared interest with us, or there are strategic or compliance objectives that could be addressed during the visit.

Note: Your preferred dates for visiting will be subject to availability of our officers to meet with you and our available resources to coordinate the visit.

Next steps:

Important considerations

Our program is designed to cater for visits of up to three days. We can host visits from February to November. Our speakers are unavailable during December and January.

To get the most from your visit, we recommend you limit your delegation to no more than 10 people and preferably no more than five if your delegation will use an interpreter. Your delegation will need to provide an interpreter if one is required.

If you apply to visit from a state or local revenue authority equivalent, you will need to apply to your counterpart authority in Australia as we do not administer the collection of state or local taxes.

We do not fund visits by overseas tax administrations to our offices. Each administration is responsible for their own costs in relation to flights, accommodation, allowances and transfers. We will provide the presenters, venue, and light refreshments on the day.

Unfortunately, we may not be able to accommodate all visit requests due to resourcing constraints or other business priorities.

Giving us feedback

If you have completed the program and would like to leave feedback on your experience or have suggestions on how we can improve our visitors program, complete the evaluation form and submit it to us.

Next step:

Download the Evaluation of International Visitors Program form (PDF, 120KB)This link will download a file.
