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The goals of schooling

Find out why tax and super should be included in school education.

Last updated 22 July 2024

Australia has 2 Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEECDYA, 2008) that are intended to unite governments, government bodies, school sectors, individual schools, and teachers in their work towards educating our young. They are:

  • Goal 1 – Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence.
  • Goal 2 – All young Australians become: successful learners; confident and creative individuals; and active and informed citizens.

Put simply, these goals mean that the Australian Curriculum, schools, and teachers should aspire to prepare students to make sense of and participate fully in the world around them – whatever that world might look like locally, nationally, and globally, today and tomorrow.

Since all Australians are required to pay tax and invest in super, it stands to reason that all school students should have the opportunity to learn about the taxation and superannuation systems: from the economic rationale underpinning their existence; to the practicalities associated with navigating them effectively; and how to access quality, trustworthy help when you need it. This learning is crucial to all young Australians becoming active and informed citizens who comply with taxation requirements, invest effectively in superannuation, and base their voting decisions on political policies.

Continue to: Consumer and financial literacy education policy
