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ATO action to reduce the gap

Last updated 30 October 2023

We're committed to increasing willing participation in the FBT system and we focus on reducing non-compliance in 2 ways:

  • helping employers to get it right
  • correcting employers who don't get it right.

Helping employers to get it right

We recognise complexity in the fringe benefits tax (FBT) law can make it difficult for employers to understand or engage with the system.

To help employers get it right, we:

  • offer information on our website, in printed publications, in videos published on atoTVExternal Link and via social media
  • have the Fringe benefits tax – a guide for employers which is an additional resource that provides more comprehensive information
  • conduct information sessions including webinars on the most common fringe benefits – cars and expense payments
  • use our insights as part of a communication and media strategy to improve employer understanding and increase voluntary participation
  • engage with industry and professional associations to promote education strategies, gather insights to inform areas of focus leverage our treatment strategies.

We continue to focus on designing educational products specifically for small business employers and use marketing and communications to encourage their participation.

Correcting employers who don't get it right

We address non-compliance through data analysis to identify potentially non-compliant employers for review or audit.

From 2023–24, we will be increasingly nudging employers via letters, emails and phone calls to check their obligations and lodge FBT returns if they have an FBT liability.
