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Information about the PAYG withholding system.

Published 31 October 2024

Under the Taxation Administration Act 1953, employers are obligated to collect tax from payments made to employees and remit that tax to us. Employers must register with us under the PAYG withholding scheme to do this.

PAYG withholding provides an effective way for most people to meet their annual tax obligations. The withholding system also ensures we collect a more stable, secure source of revenue throughout the year, which supports a range of community services.

Key facts on PAYG withholding for the 2021–22 financial year:

  • There were over 1 million employers in Australia.
  • Employers are expected to pay over $238 billion PAYG withholding to us.
  • Employers are expected to pay about 97% of PAYG withholding voluntarily, without intervention from us.
