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Company tax

Last updated 23 September 2020

Table index

Company detailed tables index

This table index lists the different items shown in the company detailed tables and specifies which table they appear in.

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Table 1

Selected items, 1979–80 to 2011–12 income years

This table shows most items from the company tax return, for all income years between 1979–80 and 2011–12.

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Table 2

Selected items, by net tax and company type, 2011–12 income year

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Table 3

Selected items, by taxable income, taxable status, residency status and company type, 2011–12 income year

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Table 4

Selected items, by industry, 2011–12 income year

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Table 5

Selected items and financial ratios, by company size, taxable status, profit status and broad industry, 2011–12 income year.

This table shows selected items from the company tax return and financial ratios by company size, for companies that are:

  • Taxable and profitable
  • Taxable and non–profitable
  • Non–taxable and profitable
  • Non–taxable and non–profitable

The financial ratios in this table include return on assets, net profit margin, gearing, interest cover and tax to profit ratios.

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Table 6

Selected items by taxable status, residency status, company type and company size, 2011–12 income year

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Table 7

International related party dealings, by country, 2011-12 income year.

This table shows the countries where companies had international related party dealings together with the associated revenue and expenditure

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