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- Summary tables and charts for all tax returns, with the data most users want
- Detailed tables for all tax returns, with more complex data
Summary tables and charts for all tax returns
- Chart 1: Tax return lodgment by entity type, over five years
- Table 1: Size of entities
- Chart 2: Net tax by entity type, over five years
- Table 2: Taxation liabilities, by industry
- Chart 3: Taxation liabilities, by source
Data for each income year includes data processed up to 31 October of the following year. For example, data for the 2014–15 income year includes data processed up to 31 October 2016.
Chart 1: Tax return lodgment, by entity type, 2010–11 to 2014–15 income years
The data for the above chart is available at Link.
Chart 2: Net tax by entity type, 2010–11 to 2014–15 income years
The data for the above chart is available at Link.
Industry: based on the industry codes reported on income tax returns and the Australian Business Register. ‘Other’ includes entities not recorded in above groups.Mining: all PRRT is included under this industry.Public administration and safety: this includes FBT from Australian Government departments.Other income tax: this includes non-business income tax for individuals, such as tax on salary and wages, or tax on investments only and all super fund income tax that do not fit into an industry split.
Chart 3: Tax liabilities by source, 2014–15 income year
The data for the above chart is available at Link.
Detailed tables for all tax returns
Table 1External Link
Overview of the individual tax system, 1950–51 to 2014–15 income years
- tax and Medicare rates
- general rebates or offsets allowed
- many associated thresholds
Table 2External Link
Overview of the company tax system, 2000–01 to 2014–15 income years
An overview of tax rates that applied to various types of companies each year.
Table 3External Link
Selected tax items, by industry, 2014–15 income year
Table 4External Link
All summary tables
Table 5External Link
Data for all summary charts